WG3 Fall Meeting: Recap of Recent Progress

31/S-028 (CERN)



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David Sperka (Boston University (US)), Liron Barak (Tel Aviv University), Pietro Slavich (LPTHE Paris), Stefania Gori (UC Santa Cruz)

In this meeting we will hear talks summarizing recent experimental results and theoretical progress. The goal is to gather feedback from within the WG3 community on recent results and to begin to plan the work for the next few months in preparation for the LHC-HXSWG General Meeting in December.

    • 1
      Experimental Results and Progress: ATLAS
      Speaker: Adam Bailey (Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES))
    • 2
      Experimental Results and Progress: CMS
      Speaker: Dr Raffaele Angelo Gerosa (Univ. of California San Diego (US))
    • 3
      Searching for the W-gamma decay of a charged scalar in Georgi-Machacek Model
      Speaker: Dr Yongcheng Wu (Carleton University)
    • 4
      MSSM benchmark scenarios for Run 2 and beyond
      Speaker: Stefan Rainer Liebler (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))