Precision Timing Detectors
- Salvador Hidalgo Villena (Instituto de Microelectronica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM-CSIC))
Presentation materials
In this presentation, we will review the evolution of the properties of UFSD sensors produced by different vendors as a function of fluence. We will show the expected working points and time resolution during the HL-LHC lifetime, and we will point out the differences among vendors.
A new Ultra Fast Silicon Detectors production (UFSD3) has been produced by Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) in Trento, in collaboration with University of Trento and National Institute of Nuclear Physics in Turin (INFN).
This new UFSD batch has been produced on Silicon-on-Silicon Epitaxial and Float Zone wafers, with an active thickness of 50µm.
One of the target of the UFSD3 production is the...
Deep diffused avalanche photodiodes are studied as timing detectors for minimum ionizing particles. This application does not require a radiator to generate light to be detected by the APD. The signal is generated and amplified within the APD bulk.
In this talk, preliminary results of a beam test characterization of deep diffused APDs are presented. The beam test setup comprised an MCP-PMT...
In this talk we will present the first results obtained within our RD50 project concerning the study of thin (50 µm) Low Gain Avalanche Detectors with four sectors.
Using a nuclear microprobe, with a lateral resolution of a few micrometers, we have analyzed the CCE homogeneity of the sensor and the behavior of the peripheral regions under proton irradiation. We will show the gain curve...
Irradiated Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGADs) are investigated using the
Transient Current Technique (TCT). The sensors are irradiated to a fluence of
electric field profile is measured.
A silicon 3D detector with a single cell of 50x50 um2 was produced and evaluated for timing applications. The measurements of time resolution were performed for 90Sr electrons with dedicated electronics used also for determing timing resolution of Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGADs). The measurements were compared to those in LGAD and also simulations. The studies showed that the