Pixel and Strip Detectors
- Joern Lange (Georg August Universitaet Goettingen (DE))
- Thomas Bergauer (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
Where we will present to the RD50 community our new DAQ card project, now near its completion, capable of managing up to 4 ROC4Sens hybrid pixel detectors, ideal for testbeams, with only one DAQ Card and no external server (the data server is incorporated into the hybrid FPGA, with simple TCP/IP external access). The system is even able to make data processing on site.
Pixel modules built with thin n-in-p planar sensors, produced at MPG-HLL, interconnected to RD53A read-out chips, have been characterized
before and after irradiation. Different sensor design have been implemented, to optimize the performance in view of the application
of these type of devices in the trackers at HL-LHC.
The results in term of hit efficiency obtained in beam tests at CERN SPS...
We report on the fabrication of DC- and AC-coupled n+-in-p pixel detectors on magnetic Czochralski silicon substrates, using aluminium oxide (Al2O3) thin films grown by atomic layer deposition (ALD) as dielectric and field insulator. Al2O3 thin films exhibit high negative oxide charge, and thus do not require p-stop/p-spray insulation implants between pixels. In addition, they provide higher...
The tracking detector of ATLAS, one of the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), will be upgraded in 2024-2026 to cope with the challenging environment conditions of the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). The LPNHE, in collaboration with FBK and INFN, has produced 130~μm thick n−on−p silicon pixel sensors which can withstand the expected large particle fluences at HL- LHC, while...
Planar n$^+$-in-n silicon pixel sensors with modified n$^+$-implantations were designed in Dortmund to cause electrical field strength maxima to increase charge collection after irradiation and thus increase particle detection efficiency. Baseline for the pixel designs was the pixel layout of the IBL planar silicon pixel sensor with a $250\,\mu$m $\times$ $50\,\mu$m pitch.
The modified pixel...
Pixelated 3D sensors with two different cell form factors( 50 um x 50 um, and 25 um x 100 um with one and two junctions)
were characterized at the SPS test beam. The samples were fabricated at FBK using a single side technology.
Sensors were readout with the RD53A ROC. Results on hit efficiency, cluster size and hit position residuals for fresh and
irradiated (1E16 n_eq/cm2) samples are...
The HL-LHC upgrade will set strong requirements on the radiation hardness of the innermost layer of the new ITk pixel detector of ATLAS due to the large particle fluence.
At the same time the high particle multiplicity will require to reduce the hit occupancy, especially in the large pseudo-rapidity regions of the detector.
The sensor technology that has proven its compliance with the...