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Polish Teachers Programme 02/2008

from Sunday 10 February 2008 (08:00) to Saturday 16 February 2008 (12:00)
CERN (6 2-024)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
10 Feb 2008
11 Feb 2008
12 Feb 2008
13 Feb 2008
14 Feb 2008
15 Feb 2008
16 Feb 2008
09:00 Welcome to CERN - Maximilian Metzger (CERN)   (6 2-024)
09:15 CERN – mecca for physicists/ CERN - mekka dla fizyków - Dr Andrzej SIEMKO (CERN AT-MTM)   (6 2-024)
10:15 History of the Universe/ Historia Wszechswiata - Marek Demianski (Institut of Physics, University of Warsaw)   (6 2-024)
11:15 Particles and forces that make up that universe/ Czastki i sily tworzace nasz wszechswiat - Dr Piotr Traczyk (Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies)   (6 2-024)
09:00 What physicists expect from LHC experiments/Czego oczekuja fizycy w eksperymentach LHC - Dr Piotr Traczyk (Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies)   (6 2-024)
10:00 Introduction to accelerators/Wstęp do fizyki akceleratorów - Slawomir Wronka   (6 2-024)
11:00 New European Programmes - Marek Demianski (Institut of Physics, University of Warsaw)   (6 2-024)
09:00 The Mysteries of Black Holes/Tajemnice Czarnych Dziur - Marek Demianski (Institut of Physics, University of Warsaw)   (6 2-024)
10:00 Q/A Cosmology - Marek Demianski (Institut of Physics, University of Warsaw)   (6 2-024)
11:00 How physicists "see" elementary particles? Examples of detectors used in high energy physics / Jak "zobaczyc" czastki elementarne? Przyklady detektorow uzywanych w fizyce wysokich energii. - Marek Kowalski (Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)   (6 2-024)
09:00 The Dark Side of the Universe / Ciemna strona wszechświata - Dr Piotr Traczyk (Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies)   (6 2-024)
10:00 Q/A Particle Physics   (6 2-024)
11:00 Accelerators and particle detectors around us/ Akceleratory i detektory cząstek wokół nas - Dr Sławomir Wronka (Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies)   (6 2-024)
09:00 Acccelerators and medicine/Akceleratory i medycyna - Dr Slawomir Wronka (Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies)   (6 2-024)
10:00 Q/A Accelerators/Detectors - Andrzej Siemko (CERN) Marek Kowalski (Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)   (6 2-024)
11:00 Finding a needle in a hay stack /Jak znaleźć igłę w stogu siana - Dr Piotr Golonka (CERN)   (6 2-024)
09:00 Programme evaluation and close - Mick Storr (CERN) Dr Andrzej SIEMKO (CERN AT-MTM)   (Restaurant 1)
10:00 Depart   (6 2-024)
17:30 Welcome aperitif   (Restaurant 1)
18:00 Short site tour and introduction to the programme - Mick Storr (CERN) Andrzej Siemko (CERN)   (6 2-024)
19:30 An informal dinner together   (Restaurant 1)
12:00 --- Lunch ---
14:00 Hands-on Classical experiments/ Klasyczne eksperymenty fizyczne w pigułce - Adam Drozd (AGH Krakow) Edward Nowak (AGH Krakow) Pawel Jodlowski (Cracow University of Technology) Jan Kulka (AGH Univ. of Science & Technology Phys.&Appl.Comp.Sc.)   (3 R-002)
14:00 Introduction to program evaluation - Mick Storr (CERN)   (6 2-024)
14:00 Visit the Globe   (The Globe)
14:00 Visit the Microcosm - Dr Julia Hoffman (SMU)   (33 Reception)
18:00 Lecture Review - Mick Storr (CERN)   (6 2-024)
12:00 --- Lunch ---
14:00 Hands-on Build a Cloud Chamber / Komora mgłowa – zrób to sam - Dr Piotr Traczyk (CERN)   (6 2-002)
14:00 Hands-on Cryogenics and Superconductivity/Kriogenika i nadprzewodnictwo - Jan Kulka (AGH Univ. of Science & Technology Phys.&Appl.Comp.Sc.)   (6/2-008)
14:00 PS/AD – Synchrotron protonowy (PS) i Dezakcelerator Antyprotonów (AD) oraz “Fabryka Antymaterii - Andrzej Siemko (CERN)   (6 2-024)
14:00 Zapoznanie się z edukacyjnymi zasobami CERN - Mick Storr (CERN)   (6 2-024)
18:00 Lecture Review   (6 2-024)
12:00 --- Lunch ---
14:00 Discover Geneva Treasure Hunt - Mick Storr (CERN)   (6 2-024)
21:30 Treasure Hunt Prize Giving - Mick Storr (CERN)   (6 2-024)
12:30 --- Lunch ---
14:00 Introduction to ATLAS / Wprowadzenie do ATLAS - Dr Julia Hoffman (SMU)   (6 2-024)
16:30 Tunel LHC – Eksperyment ATLAS - Andrzej Siemko (CERN) Dr Julia Hoffman (SMU) Jan Kulka (AGH Univ. of Science & Technology Phys.&Appl.Comp.Sc.) Jan Godlewski (CERN)   (6 2-024)
19:30 Programme Dinner - Mick Storr (CERN)   (2, Place de la Navigation)
12:00 --- Lunch ---
14:00 Working groups : What we have learned, what we can transfer to our students, follow-up actions   (6 2-024)