15–17 Oct 2018
Hilton-Buffalo Thunder
US/Mountain timezone

Recent R&D Endeavor on Polarized Photocathodes at JLab

15 Oct 2018, 16:05
Pueblo Conference Room A (Hilton-Buffalo Thunder)

Pueblo Conference Room A

Hilton-Buffalo Thunder

20 Buffalo Thunder Trail Santa Fe, NM, USA 87506
Session 4: Application Oriented Research: Spin Polarized Sources Session 4


Dr Shukui Zhang (Jefferson Laboratory)


Many physics experiments at Jlab require high current polarized electron beams and we have been actively engaged in research and development that are intended to improve the existing photocathode performance as well as exploring new photocathodes with the goal to improve the operation capability and the quality of accelerator facilities. Since last P3 workshop, some interesting studies have been carried out at JLab and I will present an update on the activities and share our experience in my talk. While I will be focused on new topics such as nano-structured photocathodes, electrons with orbital angular momentum from a GaAs photocathode, etc., I will also briefly report on recent work on DBR photocathodes, SSL GaAsSb/AlGaAs photocathodes and high current test with conventional GaAs/GaAsP photocathodes.

Presentation materials