Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

15–17 Oct 2018
Hilton-Buffalo Thunder
US/Mountain timezone


Session 6

Session 6
16 Oct 2018, 10:30
Pueblo Conference Room A (Hilton-Buffalo Thunder)

Pueblo Conference Room A

Hilton-Buffalo Thunder

20 Buffalo Thunder Trail Santa Fe, NM, USA 87506


Session 6: Application Oriented Research: Cathode Design

  • Dave Dowell (Self)

Presentation materials

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Dr Dave Dowell (Self)
16/10/2018, 10:30
Session 6: Application Oriented Research: Cathode Design
Dr Anna Alexander (Universitiy of California - San Diego), Fangze Liu, Dr John Smedley (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Dr Nathan Moody (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Dr Prabhakar Bandaru (University of California - San Diego), Dr Vitaly Pavlenko (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
16/10/2018, 11:15
Session 6: Application Oriented Research: Cathode Design

Interference enhanced, etalon photocathodes are promising due to the potential to enhance quantum efficiency without increasing emittance. This is likely so long as emittance is dominated by the excess energy (ħω-φeff) rather than being thermalization dependent, since the etalon effect does not directly change the band structure of the material. Enhancement occurs both by increasing absorption...

16/10/2018, 12:15
Session 6: Application Oriented Research: Cathode Design
Building timetable...