Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Quantum Sensors for Fundamental Physics

from Tuesday 16 October 2018 (09:00) to Wednesday 17 October 2018 (19:15)
St. Catherine's College, Oxford (Bernard Sunley Room)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
16 Oct 2018
17 Oct 2018
09:00 Welcome & Purpose of Meeting - Ian Shipsey (University of Oxford (GB))   (Bernard Sunley Room)
09:15 Scientific Motivation Overview - Giovanni Villadoro (Abdus Salam Int. Cent. Theor. Phys. (IT))   (Bernard Sunley Room)
10:00 Quantum Features Exploitable in Table Top Fundamental Physics (incl.Superposition, Entanglement, Squeezing Back Action Evasion & more) - Sougato Bose (UCL)   (Bernard Sunley Room)
10:45 Coffee   ()
11:15 Photon-Number-Resolving Imagers and Detectors Based on Superconducting Nanowire - Karl berggren (MIT)   (Bernard Sunley Room)
09:00 Precision experiments with phonons, photons and spins to test Lorentz Invariance and to Detect Dark Matter and High Frequency Gravitational Waves - Michael Tobar (U Western Australia)   (Bernard Sunley Room)
09:35 National Physical Laboratory Program in Quantum Sensors for Fundamental Physics - Patrick Gill (NPL)   (Bernard Sunley Room)
10:10 The Quantum Programme (Liam Blackwell EPSRC) The SPF EoI themes (Jason Green STFC)   (Bernard Sunley Room)
10:50 Coffee   ()
11:10 Ion Traps 1 - David Lucas (Oxford)   (Bernard Sunley Room)
11:35 beyond-Standard-Model physics with ion trap type methods - Andrew Steane (Oxford)   (Bernard Sunley Room)
11:55 alpha-dot measurement with an ion Trap - Rachel Godun (NPL)   (Bernard Sunley Room)
12:00 UK National Quantum Technology Hub in Sensors and Metrology - Kai Bongs (U. Birmingham & NQHSM)   (Bernard Sunley Room)
12:45 Extra Discussion   (Bernard Sunley Room)
13:00 Lunch   ()
14:00 Low Energy Tests of the Standard Model - Gerald Gabrielse (Harvard University) Gerald Gabrielse (Harvard University (US))   (Bernard Sunley Room)
14:45 Atom Interferometry - Jason Hogan (Stanford)   (Bernard Sunley Room)
15:30 Coffee   ()
16:00 Trapped Ions, Atomic clocks, fundamental constants. - David Hume (NIST)   (Bernard Sunley Room)
16:45 Magnetic Resonance and Atomic Clocks - Yevgeny Stadnik (Mainz)   (Bernard Sunley Room)
17:30 Harnessing quantum technologies in the search for dark matter - Konrad Lehnert (JILA)   (Bernard Sunley Room)
18:15 The FNAL Quantum Program - Panagiotis Spentzouris (Fermilab)   (Bernard Sunley Room)
19:00 Dinner (self-organized)   (Bernard Sunley Room)
12:15 Quantum Senors Programme at Cambridge - Stafford Withington (Cambridge)   (Bernard Sunley Room)
12:35 Quantum Techniques in Advanced Laser Interferometric Gravity Wave Detectors - Haixing Miao (U. Birmigham)   (Bernard Sunley Room)
12:55 Lunch   ()
13:45 Atom Interferometry in the UK & MAGIS-100 - Jon Coleman (University of Liverpool)   (Bernard Sunley Room)
14:10 The Atom Interferometer Obsrevatory Network - Oliver Buchmuller (Imperial College (GB))   (Bernard Sunley Room)
14:25 Levitated quantum optomechanics for fundamental physics - Peter Barker (UCL)   (Bernard Sunley Room)
14:45 tabletop quantum sensing experiments with NV centres in diamond including with levitated nanodiamond - Gavin Morley (Warwick)   (Bernard Sunley Room)
15:10 Quantum Behavior of Mechanical Structures and the application to fundamental physics - Michael Vanner (Imperial)   (Bernard Sunley Room)
15:35 Coffee - Stig Topp-Jorgenson   (Bernard Sunley Room)
15:55 Resonant searches for Axions and other ultralight dark matter - Edward Daw (The University of Sheffield)   (Bernard Sunley Room)
16:25 Super Conducting Qubits - Peter Leek   (Bernard Sunley Room)
16:55 Exploring ultra light to sub-MeV dark matter with atomic clocks and co-magnetometers - Diego Blas Temino (CERN)   (Bernard Sunley Room)
17:10 quantum simulators of fundamental physics - Silke Weinfurtner (Nottingham)   (Bernard Sunley Room)
Town Hall Themes for the EoI (discussion facilitated by STFC) - Jason Green (University of Oxford (GB)) (until 18:25) (Bernard Sunley Room)