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Leading isospin breaking effects in the hadronic vacuum polarisation with open boundaries

18 Jun 2019, 14:20


Parallel Hadron structure Hadron structure


Andreas Risch (Universität Mainz) Hartmut Wittig


We discuss leading isospin breaking effects in the hadronic vacuum polarisation required for the investigation of the hadronic contribution to $(g-2)_{\mu}$. The calculation proceeds by expanding the relevant correlation functions around the isosymmetric limit. Isosymmetric observables are evaluated on CLS gauge ensembles with $N_{f}=2+1$, $O(a)$ improved Wilson fermions and open boundary conditions. A particular emphasis is placed on the relevant quark-disconnected diagrams required for a complete treatment of leading isospin breaking effects in the valence quark sector. We provide a detailed discussion of the renormalisation of the vector current in QCD+QED taking operator mixing into account.

Primary author

Andreas Risch (Universität Mainz)


Hartmut Wittig

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