12:45 PM
Lunch break
(until 2:20 PM)
12:45 PM
Women in Lattice
Liuming Liu
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
(until 2:20 PM)
(Shimao VIP)
2:20 PM
Algorithms and Machines
Kate Clark
(until 4:00 PM)
(Shimao 3B)
2:20 PM
QCD on the Modular Supercomputer
Eric Brittain Gregory
(University of Wuppertal/Juelich Supercomputing Centre)
(Shimao 3B)
2:40 PM
Lattice QCD codes on Taihu-Light Supercomputer
Ming Gong
(Shimao 3B)
3:00 PM
GPU inverters on ROCm
Yujiang Bi
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
(Shimao 3B)
3:20 PM
Leadership-Class Multi-Grid Algorithms for HISQ Fermions on GPUs
Evan Weinberg
(NVIDIA Corporation)
(Shimao 3B)
3:40 PM
Breaking the latency barrier: Strong scaling LQCD on GPUs
Mathias Wagner
(Shimao 3B)
2:20 PM
Hadron Spectroscopy and Interactions
Sinead Ryan
(Trinity College Dublin)
(until 4:00 PM)
(Shimao 3A)
2:20 PM
Meson interactions at Large Nc from Lattice QCD
Fernando Romero-López
(Shimao 3A)
2:40 PM
The S-wave $K\pi$ amplitude and the $K^{\star}_{0}(700)$ resonance in $2+1$ flavor QCD
Gumaro Rendon
(University of Arizona)
(Shimao 3A)
3:00 PM
Resonances in coupled-channel meson-meson scattering from lattice QCD
David Wilson
(Trinity College Dublin)
(Shimao 3A)
3:20 PM
Pion-Pion Scattering with Elongated Boxes
Chris Culver
(George Washington University)
(Shimao 3A)
3:40 PM
Periodic Pion-Pion Scattering at the Physical Point: Update
Daniel Hoying
(Shimao 3A)
2:20 PM
Hadron structure
(University of Utah)
(until 4:00 PM)
2:20 PM
Leading isospin breaking effects in the hadronic vacuum polarisation with open boundaries
Andreas Risch
(Universität Mainz)
Hartmut Wittig
2:40 PM
The leading hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to $(g-2)_{\mu}$ using $N_f=2+1$ O($a$) improved Wilson quarks
- Dr
Antoine Gérardin
(John von Neumann Institute for Computing, DESY)
3:00 PM
Developments in the position-space approach to the HLbL contribution to the muon $g-2$ on the lattice.
Nils Asmussen
(Uni Southampton)
2:20 PM
Nonzero Temperature and Density
Christian Schmidt
(University of Bielefeld)
(until 4:00 PM)
2:20 PM
Tempered Lefschetz thimble method and its application to the Hubbard model away from half-filling
Masafumi Fukuma
(Kyoto University)
2:40 PM
One-thimble regularisation of lattice field theories: is it only a dream?
Francesco Di Renzo
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
3:00 PM
On the Lefschetz thimbles structure of the Thirring model
Kevin Zambello
(University of Parma and INFN, Gruppo Collegato di Parma)
3:20 PM
Simulating gauge theories on Lefschetz Thimbles
Felix Andreas Ziesché
3:40 PM
The sign problem and the Lefschetz thimbles in two dimensional Hubbard model
Semeon Valgushev
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
2:20 PM
Theoretical Developments
Karl Jansen
(until 4:00 PM)
(Shimao 1A+1B)
2:20 PM
Critical behavior of 4-dimensional Ising model with higher-order tensor renormalization group
Shinichiro Akiyama
(Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba)
(Shimao 1A+1B)
2:40 PM
Tensor network study of two dimensional complex $\phi^{4}$ theory at finite density
Ryo Sakai
(Kanazawa University)
(Shimao 1A+1B)
3:00 PM
Tensor network approach to real-time path integral
- Dr
(Kanazawa university)
(Shimao 1A+1B)
3:20 PM
Phase structure and real-time dynamics of the massive Thirring model in 1+1 dimensions using the tensor-network method
- Prof.
C.-J. David Lin
(National Chiao-Tung University)
(Shimao 1A+1B)
3:40 PM
Entanglement suppression and emergent symmetry
David Kaplan
(Shimao 1A+1B)
2:20 PM
Weak Decays and Matrix Elements
Chris Bouchard
(William and Mary)
(until 4:00 PM)
(Shimao 5)
2:20 PM
Extraction of CKM matrix elements from lattice QCD results using dispersion relations
De-Liang Yao
(Shimao 5)
2:40 PM
Study of intermediate states in the inclusive semi-leptonic B -> X_c l \nu decay structure functions
Gabriela Bailas
(Shimao 5)
3:00 PM
Charmonium contribution to $B \to K l^+l^-$: testing the factorization approximation on the lattice
Katsumasa NAKAYAMA
(Shimao 5)
3:20 PM
Radiative leptonic decays on the lattice
- Prof.
Stefan Meinel
(University of Arizona / RIKEN BNL Research Center)
(Shimao 5)
3:40 PM
Neutral meson mixing and related observables in the D(s) and B(s) meson systems
J Tobias Tsang
(The University of Edinburgh)
(Shimao 5)
4:00 PM
--- Coffee/Tea break ---
4:30 PM
Hadron Spectroscopy and Interactions
Akaki Rusetski
(until 5:50 PM)
(Shimao 3A)
4:30 PM
Scale setting for QCD with $N_f=3+1$ dynamical quarks
Roman Höllwieser
(University of Wuppertal)
(Shimao 3A)
4:50 PM
The Development of Hamiltonian Finite Volume Method of Two Body System within Partial Wave Mixing in Rest System
Yan Li
(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
(Shimao 3A)
5:10 PM
The general formalism of momentum transformation in the moving finite volume
Jiajun Wu
(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
(Shimao 3A)
5:30 PM
The Rho Resonance Properties from N_f=2+1+1 Lattice QCD
- Mr
Martin Ueding
(University of Bonn, Germany)
(Shimao 3A)
4:30 PM
Hadron structure
Vera Guelpers
(University of Edinburgh)
(until 5:50 PM)
4:30 PM
Hadronic Light-by-Light contribution to g-2 update
Thomas Blum
4:50 PM
Hadronic Tau deay and muon g-2
Taku Izubuchi
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
5:10 PM
QED corrections to hadronic observables
Balint Toth
(University of Wuppertal)
4:30 PM
Nonzero Temperature and Density
Gert Aarts
(Swansea University)
(until 5:50 PM)
4:30 PM
The path optimization for the sign problem of low dimensional QCD
- Mr
Yuto Mori
(Kyoto University)
4:50 PM
Exploring the QCD phase diagram at finite density by the complex Langevim method on a 16^3 x 32 lattice
- Dr
Shoichiro Tsutsui
5:10 PM
Applying Complex Langevin to Lattice QCD at finite mu.
- Dr
Donald Sinclair
(Argonne National Laboratory)
5:30 PM
Meson Screening Masses in 2+1-Flavor QCD
Prasad Hegde
(Indian Institute of Science)
4:30 PM
Standard model parameters and renormalization
Rainer Paul Sommer
(until 5:50 PM)
(Shimao 3B)
4:30 PM
Calculation of PCAC mass with Wilson fermion using gradient flow
Atsushi Baba
(University of Tsukuba)
(Shimao 3B)
4:50 PM
Non-perturbative renormalization of Kaon B parameter using gradient flow
Yusuke Taniguchi
(University of Tsukuba)
(Shimao 3B)
5:10 PM
Non-perturbative renormalization of $\mathrm{O}(a)$ improved tensor currents
- Mr
Fabian Joswig
(Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität)
(Shimao 3B)
5:30 PM
Non-perturbative renormalization in QCD+QED and its applications to weak decays
Matteo Di Carlo
(Sapienza Università di Roma and INFN)
(Shimao 3B)
4:30 PM
Theoretical Developments
Michele Pepe
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
(until 5:50 PM)
(Shimao 1A+1B)
4:30 PM
Cluster-size scaling in O(N) non-linear sigma models
Wolfgang Bietenholz
(UNAM, Mexico)
(Shimao 1A+1B)
4:50 PM
Merons as the Relevant Topological Charge Carriers in the 2-d O(3) Model
Joao C. Pinto Barros
(AEC, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Bern)
(Shimao 1A+1B)
5:10 PM
Resurgence and fractional instanton of the SU(3) gauge theory in weak coupling regime
Etsuko Itou
(Keio University)
(Shimao 1A+1B)
5:30 PM
Lattice study on the twisted CP^{N-1} models on R x S^1
(Akita University)
(Shimao 1A+1B)
4:30 PM
Weak Decays and Matrix Elements
Antonin Portelli
(The University of Edinburgh)
(until 5:50 PM)
(Shimao 5)
4:30 PM
Semileptonic $D \rightarrow K$ decay from full lattice QCD with HISQ
Bipasha Chakraborty
(University of Cambridge)
(Shimao 5)
4:50 PM
$K_{l3}$ form factors in $N_f = 2+1$ QCD at physical point on large volume
Junpei Kakazu
(Univ. of Tsukuba)
(Shimao 5)
5:10 PM
Lattice QCD calculation of the two-photon contributions to K_L to mu+ mu- and pi0 to e+ e- decays
- Prof.
Norman Christ
(Columbia University)
(Shimao 5)
5:30 PM
Calculating the two-photon contribution to the real part of the $\pi^0 \rightarrow e^+ e^-$ decay amplitude
Yidi Zhao
(Columbia University)
(Shimao 5)
5:50 PM
(until 8:10 PM)
5:50 PM
Heavy semileptonics with a fully relativistic mixed action
Julien Frison
(Universidad Autonoma Madrid)
5:50 PM
Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Amplitude of pi- -> pi+ e e from Infinite-volume Reconstruction Method.
Xin-yu Tuo
5:50 PM
Proton decay matrix elements with physical quark masses
Yasumichi Aoki
5:50 PM
QED effects on the decay of charged pions and kaons
Paul Rakow
(University of Liverpool)
5:50 PM
SU(3) gauge system with twelve fundamental flavors
Anna Hasenfratz
(university of colorado boulder)
5:50 PM
Two-photon decay of the neutral pion from a coordinate-space method
Xu Feng
(Peking University)
6:10 PM
$\chi$SF near the electroweak scale
- Dr
Andrew Lytle
(INFN Rome Tor Vergata)
6:10 PM
2019 update of $\varepsilon_K$ with lattice QCD inputs
Weonjong Lee
(Seoul National University)
6:10 PM
Lattice QCD on a modern vector processor
Tilo Wettig
(University of Regensburg)
6:10 PM
Leptonic decays of $B_{(s)}$ and $D_{(s)}$ using the OK action
- Mr
Benjamin Jaedon Choi
(Seoul National University)
6:10 PM
Semileptonic decays $B_{(s)} \to D_{(s)}^{(\ast)} \ell \nu$ form factors using the OK action
- Mr
Seungyeob Jwa
(Seoul National University)
6:10 PM
Semileptonic form factors for exclusive Bs -> K l nu and Bs -> Ds l nu decays
Oliver Witzel
(University of Colorado Boulder)
6:30 PM
Mistaken Identity: The Multi-State Labeling Problem
- Ms
Kimmy Cushman
(Yale University)
6:30 PM
QUDA 1.0
Kate Clark
6:30 PM
Static force from lattice
- Dr
Viljami Leino
(Technical University of Munich (TUM))
6:30 PM
Status of Riemann Manifold Hybrid Monte Carlo
Chulwoo Jung
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
6:30 PM
Structure functions from the Compton amplitude
Holger Perlt
(University of Leipzig)
6:30 PM
Thermal Quarkonium Mass Shift from Euclidean Correlators
Alexander Maximilian Eller
(TU Darmstadt)
6:50 PM
A Calculation of Higher Order Taylor Expansion Coefficients
- Mr
Lorenzo Dini
(Bielefeld University)
6:50 PM
Quarkonium suppression in non-equilibrium quark-gluon plasma
- Dr
Zhandos Moldabekov
(Al Farabi Kazakh National University)
6:50 PM
Recent progress on (implementing) the relativistic three-particle quantization condition
Fernando Romero-López
6:50 PM
SO(4) invariant Higgs-Yukawa model with reduced staggered fermions
simon catterall
6:50 PM
Thermal phase structure of a supersymmetric matrix model
David Schaich
7:05 PM
Gluonic Structure of Mesons
- Ms
Dimitra Pefkou
7:10 PM
Full $\mathcal{O}(a)$ improvement in EQCD
- Mr
Niels Schlusser
(TU Darmstadt)
7:10 PM
Laplace Operator On Discretized 3 Sphere's
Daniel Berkowitz
(Yale University)
7:10 PM
Parton distribution functions of Delta^+ on the lattice
Shicheng Xia
(Peking University)
7:25 PM
Chiral Ward identities for Dirac eigenmodes with staggered fermions
Hwancheol Jeong
(Seoul National University)
7:30 PM
Flux tube with dynamical fermions from high temperature SU(3) lattice gauge theory
- Dr
Sodbileg Chagdaa
(Theoretical Physics Department, Institute of Physics and Technology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences)
7:30 PM
Lattice QCD results on bottomonia at high temperatures
Rasmus Larsen
(Brookhaven Nationanl Laboratory)
7:30 PM
Lattice study of meson properties at fine temperature using the truncated overlap fermions
- Dr
Hiroaki Wada
(Kokushikan University)
7:50 PM
Staggered Fermions using Grid
Patrick Steinbrecher
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)