25–29 Mar 2019
SDSC Auditorium
America/Los_Angeles timezone

PDSF Site Report

25 Mar 2019, 09:30
E-B 212 (SDSC Auditorium)

E-B 212

SDSC Auditorium

10100 Hopkins Drive La Jolla, CA 92093-0505
Site Reports Site Reports


Georg Rath (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)


PDSF, the Parallel Distributed Systems Facility has been in continuous operation since 1996, serving high energy physics research. The cluster is a tier-1 site for Star, a tier-2 site for Alice and a tier-3 site for Atlas.

We'll give a status report of the PDSF cluster and the migration into Cori, the primary computing resource at NERSC. We'll go into how we tried to ease the process by providing a stepping stone environment as intermediary between a commodity cluster and a supercomputer. Updates on NERSC systems will be given as well.


Georg Rath (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)


Jan Balewski (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))

Presentation materials