25–29 Mar 2019
SDSC Auditorium
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Creating an opportunistic OSG site inside the PRP Kubernetes cluster

29 Mar 2019, 09:25
E-B 212 (SDSC Auditorium)

E-B 212

SDSC Auditorium

10100 Hopkins Drive La Jolla, CA 92093-0505
Grid, Cloud & Virtualisation Grid, Cloud and Virtualization


Igor Sfiligoi (UCSD)


The Pacific Research Platform (PRP) is operating a Kubernetes cluster that manages over 2.5k CPU cores and 250 GPUs. Most of the resources are being used by local users interactively starting directly Kubernetes Pods.

To fully utilize the available resources, we have deployed an opportunistic HTCondor pool as a Kubernetes deployment, with worker nodes environment being fully OSG compliant. This includes both the OSG client software and CVMFS. A OSG HTCondor-CE is available for OSG users to access the resources as any other OSG site. The first user of the new site is the IceCube collaboration, which is using the available GPUs.

In this presentation we will describe the steps (and challenges) involved in creating the opportunistic OSG site in the Kubernetes cluster and the experience of running GPU jobs of the IceCube collaboration.



Edgar Fajardo Hernandez (Univ. of California San Diego (US)) Dima Mishin (UCSD)

Presentation materials