25–29 Mar 2019
SDSC Auditorium
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Technolog Watch WG Reports

28 Mar 2019, 11:10
1h 15m
E-B 212 (SDSC Auditorium)

E-B 212

SDSC Auditorium

10100 Hopkins Drive La Jolla, CA 92093-0505


Andrea Chierici (INFN-CNAF)Mr Martin Gasthuber (DESY) Michele Michelotto (Università e INFN, Padova (IT)) Rolf Seuster (University of Victoria (CA))


We will report on the findings of the technology watch working group concerning CPUs, storage, networks and related fields


Andrea Chierici (INFN-CNAF) Mr Martin Gasthuber (DESY) Michele Michelotto (Università e INFN, Padova (IT)) Rolf Seuster (University of Victoria (CA))

Presentation materials