Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

14–17 Jan 2019
IST, Lisboa, Portugal
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Super weak force and origin of neutrino masses

17 Jan 2019, 09:00
Anfiteatro Abreu Faro (IST, Lisboa, Portugal)

Anfiteatro Abreu Faro

IST, Lisboa, Portugal

Av Rovisco Pais 1049-001 Lisboa Portugal


Zoltan Laszlo Trocsanyi (University of Debrecen (HU))


We consider an anomaly free extension of the standard model gauge group GSM by an abelian group to GSM ⊗ U(1)Z. The condition of anomaly cancellation is known to fix the Z-charges of the particles, but two. We fix one remaining charge by allowing for all possible Yukawa interactions the known left handed neutrinos and new right-handed ones that obtain their masses through interaction with a new scalar field whose vacuum is broken spontaneously. We discuss some of the possible consequences of the model and ways of constraining the parameter space.

Presentation materials