10–12 Jul 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone

Practical info

 Lunch options

The Workshop room (Council Chamber) is located next to Restaurant 1. 

Restaurant 1 is a self service restaurant located in building 501, open from Monday to Friday from 6h00 until 24h00. Meals are served from 11h30 to 14h15 and from 18h to 21h30. It is also open on Saturdays and Sundays from 7h until 22h00 and meals are served from 11h30 to 14h00 and from 18h to 20h00. It proposes different menus from CHF 8.50 to CHF 16.00. 

A "Grab and Go" is also proposed and is open from Monday to Friday from 7h30 until 17h. 



Some rooms have been pre-booked for the participants in the CERN hotel. In case the CERN hotel is fully booked or you choose to stay in a Hotel outside CERN, please see here a list of hotels in the CERN area. 

 Internet at CERN

Connect to the Wi-Fi network named “CERN” and open a web browser. You will be redirected to the CERN registration portal where you will be guided step-by-step to register your device as a “guest”. As you do not have any CERN account, you will be asked for:
  • Your personal contact (name, email, etc…)

  • Visit detail (arrival/departure)

  • A CERN contact person = sabrina.el.yacoubi@cern.ch  . This person will receive an email and will have to approve the network connection for your device. Once this is done, your device will have full access to the CERN campus network and to the Internet.

Participants with an eduroam account can use their eduroam credentials. 

 CERN maps

See here the CERN map