Analysis Description Languages for the LHC
Sunrise (WH11NE)
Fermilab, Wilson Hall
This meeting aims to introduce and discuss framework-independent analysis description language concepts and implementations for LHC physics analyses. An analysis description language (ADL) is a human readable format capable of describing the contents of an analysis in a standard and unambiguous way, independent of any computing framework. Adapting ADLs would have numerous benefits for the LHC community, ranging from analysis preservation that goes beyond the lifetimes of experiments or analysis software, to facilitating the abstraction, design, visualization, validation, combination, reproduction, interpretation and overall communication of the contents of LHC analyses. ADLs can be used both by the experimental and phenomenological communities. Several attempts were made recently to develop ADLs and generic interpreters for those. A recent effort is in progress to merge the existing approaches and bring forward a unified ADL syntax.
The meeting will motivate the ADL concept, present the current proposal, and have technical discussions on language structure, parsing and interpretation methods. Hands on sessions will focus on studying and running existing analysis implementations, and on implementing new analyses proposed by the participants. A special discussion will be held on the feasibility of ADLs for direct use in analyses with ATLAS and CMS data.
The workshop is open to all interested experimentalists, phenomenologists and computing specialists.
We would really appreciate if you could fill the following participants feedback form whether you attended this workshop live or offline, it will help us improve the LPC events offering:
You are welcome to join the following gitter forum where ADL discussions will continue:
Steve Mrenna (Fermilab)
Jim Pivarski (Princeton U.)
Harrison Prosper (Florida State U.)
Sezen Sekmen (Kyungpook National U.)
Gökhan Ünel (UC Irvine)
Local Organizing Committee:
Gabriele Benelli (Brown U.)
Alexx Perloff (U. Colorado, Boulder)
Marc Weinberg (Carnegie Mellon U.)
LPC Events Committee Chairs:
Gabriele Benelli (Brown U.)
Ben Kreis (Fermilab)
Kevin Pedro (Fermilab)
LPC Coordinators:
Cecilia Gerber (UIC)
Sergo Jindariani (Fermilab)
Abdollah Mohammadi
Alexx Perloff
Ana Trisovic
Andrea Rizzi
Benjamin Krikler
Bo Jayatilaka
Candan Dozen
David Yu
Davide Valsecchi
Fatma Boran
Gabriele Benelli
Gordon Watts
Gökhan ÜNEL
Harry Prosper
Henry Fredrick Schreiner
Jake Rosenzweig
James Kowalkowski
Javier Mauricio Duarte
Jieun Yoo
Jim Pivarski
Joel Walker
Joshua Isaacson
Judita Mamuzic
Lindsey Gray
Lothar A.T. Bauerdick
Marc Paterno
Marguerite Belt Tonjes
Maria Acosta Flechas
Mark Neubauer
Miaoyuan Liu
Nicholas Manganelli
Nick Smith
Philippe Gras
Ramanpreet Singh
Saba Sehrish
Sezen Sekmen
Stephan Lammel
Steve Mrenna
Thomas Junk
Tommaso Boccali
Tyler Mitchell
Ufuk Guney Tok
Zhenbin Wu
Zoltan Gecse