Generator Software Workshop Organisation
Physics Event Generators - 2018-11-19
Present: Graeme, Andrea, Liz, Marek, Servesh, Stefan, Taylor
- Andrea will contact PRACE people again about the workshop.
- Graeme will follow up on the 3 people who need access passes.
- For the hackathon we need to add it to the timetable so that
people know it exists (and material can be posted). We should have
a Google Doc where people can note their SSO IDs to get access
to the testbed machines. [Graeme]
- Assume no ALICE talk. Re-arrange timetable to have all of the generators
talks on Monday, maybe with a coffee break to split them up.
- Graeme will assign chairs for the sessions.
- Stefan, Liz, Marek to circulate the link to their document introducing the
Tuesday morning session. To be circulated to our Physics contacts.
- Need to review speaker guidelines, send a reminder. [Graeme].
- For licensing add one slide on this to David's talk on "practical matters".
Idea is to raise the issue here, but not dwell on it. We would propose a
later follow-up meeting. (Licensing choices leave the experiments between a
rock and a hard place with the theory community and commercial partners;
on credit and attribution we completely agree with the MCNet guidelines,
just not on the GPL conclusion.)
- Coffee breaks mostly arranged, Graeme to pass on updated numbers.
- Guide final session discussion with topics, please use the TODO document
to add other topics.
- Servesh was talking about Trident to Frank and Simone, so that illustrates
interest in further optimisation/hackathons.
- Want to get ideas on follow-up events and timescales that would work.
- Reliable numbers for generators ("cost per event").
- Define benchmarks, the parameters are critical.
- Very tricky to compare between generators (needs experts).
- Circulate draft slides if you have them in advance [All speaking].
- Servesh was wondering about having a panel discussion format
for the performance session; slightly more controlled discussion.
Liz could help. Would like to have a theorist pitch in too - anyone
who would like to volunteer (Stefan will help, but will be remote).