Topic of the Week

Sunrise - WH11NE (Fermilab)

Sunrise - WH11NE


Javier Mauricio Duarte (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)), Si Xie (California Institute of Technology (US))

Measurements of the visible decay channels of the Higgs allow for up to around 30% of the branching fraction to be from beyond the standard model decays. Dark matter motivates a decay of the Higgs to invisible final states. This talk will discuss the searches for invisible decays of the Higgs produced in all production modes. A comparison will be made between these searches and the constraints from the visible decay modes. I will put particular emphasis on the ATLAS results from vector boson fusion, the most sensitive search channel thus far. Finally, I will compare the results to direct detection dark matter experiments, assuming the Higgs portal model.

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      Searches for invisible decays of the Higgs boson with ATLAS
      Speaker: Ben Carlson (University of Pittsburgh)