EOS Operations
- Elvin Alin Sindrilaru (CERN)
The presentation will report about the migration from the eosuser instance running EOS aquamarine to the new EOHOME cluster architecture running EOS citrine with quarkdb namespace.
EOS Home (CERNBox) has now more than 16K users and more than 500Mil files which are backed up every day using a set of scheduled scripts. The process of restoring the data is currently an internal process and requires a lot of manual work. Therefore we are exploring alternatives to get a more modern and scalable backup system which can eventually make possible the integration of the restore...
Talk will present update on automatic tool to configure/update EOS storage using docker (eos-docker-utils). Currently plain EOS and ALICE EOS storage configurations are supported. First production storage is running for ALICE experiment (ALICE:Kosice::EOS) and for supercomputer Govorun at JINR.
We report on current experiences and challenges with running an EOS instance for use by the Fermilab LHC Physics Center (LPC) computing cluster. The LPC cluster is a 4500-core user analysis cluster with 7 PB of EOS storage which is an increase of about 40% over the last year. The LPC cluster supports several hundred active CMS users at any given time. We will also discuss our recent upgrade...
The current version of CERN EOS that provides a storage solution for collecting results from CERN LHC experiments is a result of 10 years research work of providing the best disk-based low-latency high-availability storage solution. These research results are ready for productization. The first step in CERN-Comtrade EOS Productization is providing professional documentation for EOS.
We are...
Last year I have deployed EOS Citrine at RO-03-UPB for Alice experiment. I can share the steps and the issues I had. It would be a short presentation of lessons learns.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT - Work supported by SIMULATE project (no. 15 /17.10.2017): Simulations of Ultra-High Intensity Laser Pulse Interaction with Solid Targets.