Dec 3 – 7, 2018
Wigner Research Center for Physics
Europe/Budapest timezone


Femtoscopy and chiral symmetry

Dec 4, 2018, 11:05 AM
Bldg 3, Council room (Wigner Research Center for Physics)

Bldg 3, Council room

Wigner Research Center for Physics

Konkoly Thege Miklós út 29-33. H-1121 Budapest Hungary

Presentation materials

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Valentina Mantovani Sarti (INFN Ferrara-University of Ferrara), Valentina Mantovani Sarti (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE)), Valentina Mantovani Sarti (University of Turin), Valentina Mantovani Sarti (Technical University of Munich (TUM)), Valentina Mantovani-Sarti (University of Turin)
12/4/18, 11:05 AM
Diana Pawłowska (Warsaw University of Technology), Diana Pawłowska
12/4/18, 11:30 AM
Mr Paweł Szymański (Warsaw University of Technology)
12/4/18, 11:45 AM
Dubravko Klabucar (University of Zagreb), Dubravko Klabucar (University of Zagreb)
12/4/18, 12:00 PM
Building timetable...