Makoto Asai
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
06/02/2019, 09:45
- Magnetic field
- Field integration and other types of field
- GDML interface
- CAD interface
- Geometry checking tools
- Geometry optimization
Makoto Asai
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
06/02/2019, 11:35
- Define scorers in the tracking volume
- Accumulate scores for a run
- Sensitive detector vs. primitive scorer
- Basic structure of detector sensitivity
- Sensitive detector and hit
- Touchable
- Use of G4HCofThisEvent class
Mihaly Novak
06/02/2019, 13:30
-specific topics of standard EM physics modelling:
- energy-loss processes
- multiple scattering
- their role in Geant4 stepping