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2–7 Jun 2019
Simon Fraser University
America/Vancouver timezone
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Physical properties of Yb3Ru4Ge13 and Lu3Ru4Ge13

3 Jun 2019, 11:15
SCC 9000 (Simon Fraser University)

SCC 9000

Simon Fraser University

Oral Competition (Graduate Student) / Compétition orale (Étudiant(e) du 2e ou 3e cycle) Condensed Matter and Materials Physics / Physique de la matière condensée et matériaux (DCMMP-DPMCM) M1-3 Magnetism and Heavy Fermions I (DCMMP) I Magnétisme et fermions lourds I (DPMCM)


Jeonghun Lee (Simon Fraser University)


Cubic compounds with Yb3Rh4Sn13-type structure have drawn attention because of their rich ground states such as heavy fermion behavior, intermediate valence behavior, charge density wave, and superconductivity. In this talk, we will present the structural, magnetic, and electrical properties of cubic R3Ru4Ge13 (R = Yb and Lu) compounds. Single crystals of R3Ru4Ge13 were characterized by magnetization, specific heat and electrical resistivity measurements. The resistivity measurement of Yb3Ru4Ge13 compound exhibits a metallic behavior, whereas Lu3Ru4Sn13 compound shows a semiconductor-like behavior with a superconducting transition at ~2.2 K. Low-temperature specific heat measurement indicates Yb3Ru4Ge13 is a heavy fermion.

Primary authors

Jeonghun Lee (Simon Fraser University) Eundeok Mun

Presentation materials

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