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2–7 Jun 2019
Simon Fraser University
America/Vancouver timezone
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The role of physics in Nuclear Medicine

5 Jun 2019, 10:45
SSB 7172 (Simon Fraser University)

SSB 7172

Simon Fraser University

Invited Speaker / Conférencier(ère) invité(e) Physics in Medicine and Biology / Physique en médecine et en biologie (DPMB-DPMB) W1-3 Topics in Medical Physics (DPMB) | Sujets de physique médicale (DPMB)


Prof. Anna Celler (University of British Columbia)


The role which nuclear medicine (NM) imaging plays in the diagnosis of many diseases is already well recognized. In contrast to mostly anatomical modalities (CT, MRI and US), NM is able to provide in-vivo images examining functions of different body parts and organs. Additionally, recent years have witnessed a greatly increased interest in nuclear medicine applications in molecular imaging, targeted radiotherapy and “personalized-medicine” treatments. In my talk, I will introduce the basic principles of nuclear medicine, show examples of its most important clinical applications and discuss some of the latest advances. As any development in medical imaging requires involvement and close collaboration of scientists from many disciplines, the role and contributions of physics and physicists in different aspects of NM imaging will be discussed.

Primary author

Prof. Anna Celler (University of British Columbia)

Presentation materials