6th EIROforum School on Instrumentation

ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands






The 6th EIROforum School on Instrumentation (ESI 2019) took place from 13-17 May 2019 and was hosted by ESA. The school sessions were held on the ESTEC site in Noordwijk, The Netherlands. 

ESI, organised by the EIROforum Instrumentation Working Group, aims at teaching basic principles of instrumentation to young researchers, scientists and engineers. The highlight topic of ESI 2019 was Artificial Intelligence with a project day focus on Technology transfer. 

The summary report of the school is available here. Pictures and more information is available on twitter: https://twitter.com/esi2019

  • Abhisek Datta
  • Aizat Daribayeva
  • Albert Doblas Moreno
  • Aleksander Szubert
  • Alexandra Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira
  • Alexandros Aerakis
  • Alice Cryer
  • Alice Pais de Castro
  • Amar Kapic
  • Andrea García Alonso
  • Andreas Glindemann
  • Andreas Schmidt
  • Andreo Crnjac
  • Andrew McCarthy
  • André Boné
  • Antonio Bonucci
  • Bharath Reddy Adapa
  • Borbala Szondy
  • Bruno Delacourt
  • Charles Dewhurst
  • Chiara Grieco
  • Christian Bressler
  • Christian Joram
  • Cristina Mattone
  • Daniel Mayani
  • David Lucsanyi
  • Davide Fiorina
  • Dhaval Gadariya
  • Emma Stevenson
  • Frederic Le Pimpec
  • Gabriele ANSALDI
  • Gabriele ANSALDI
  • Gie Han Tan
  • Giordano Genovese
  • Gunaratna Mudiyanselage Nadeera Hemamali
  • Hassan M.Nour-eldeen
  • Hernan FURCI
  • Héctor García Cabrera
  • Ian Thorpe
  • Ilya Menyaylov
  • Inaki Ortega Ruiz
  • Ioana Ifrim
  • Irene Degl'Innocenti
  • Istvan Mohacsi
  • James Luis
  • Jan Zoltowski
  • Javier Rodriguez Murias
  • Javier Sastre Álvaro
  • Joao Figueiredo
  • Jonathan Cando
  • Jonathan Sauser
  • Jose Martinez Heras
  • João Silvestre
  • Juan Francisco Cabrero Gomez
  • Krisztina Annus
  • Lisa Glatt
  • Lorenzo Moneta
  • Lucile Desjonqueres
  • Luis Fernandez Ruiz
  • Lukáš Krauz
  • Marcela Páscoa
  • Maria Manna
  • Marin Vukšić
  • Marko Barac
  • Markus Kuster
  • Mate Kisantal
  • Maurício Féo
  • Michael Moll
  • Michalis Benakis
  • Michele Piero Blago
  • Mintu Kumar
  • Navonila Karmakar
  • Nazar Bartosik
  • Nicolas Bekris
  • Nikola Vukman
  • Oriol Sans Planell
  • Pablo Fajardo
  • Paolo Mutti
  • Peter Major
  • Peter Pedersen
  • Petr Janout
  • Petra Riedler
  • Pierre COURTOIS
  • Priyaben Patel
  • Rafael Zubieta Lupo
  • Raymond Barrett
  • raz yankovich
  • Riccardo Callegari
  • Ruaridh Smith
  • Saad Ahmed
  • Said Bounasser
  • Sara Svendsen
  • Sebastian Egner
  • Shudhashil Bharthuar
  • Silke Mobius
  • Silvia Cesaroni
  • Simon Gaulter
  • Simone Noce
  • Stefan Weber
  • Stefano Di Mascio
  • Stephan Burkhalter
  • Suzanne Ramsay
  • Thibaut Prod'homme
  • Thomas Baumann
  • Thomas Buggey
  • Toon Meeuwsen
  • Vasily Kiptily
  • Victor Manuel Villalba Corbacho
  • Volker Bauer
  • Volodymyr Svitlyk
  • Yvan HUBERT
    • Registration Erasmus Building (ESTEC)

      Erasmus Building


    • 1
      Welcome to ESI 2019
      Speaker: Thibaut Prod'homme (ESA)
    • 2
      EIROforum and its organizations in a nutshell
      Speakers: Christian Joram (CERN), Christian Joram (CERN)
    • Overview talks: Overview talks I
      • 3
        Nuclear Fusion - Measurements techniques and technologies for high temperature laboratory plasmas
        Speakers: Joao Figueiredo (EUROfusion), Michael Krisch (ESRF)
      • 4
        Particle Physics at CERN

        The current experimental programme of CERN is dominated by the operation and upgrades of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and its four major experiments. After a short introduction to CERN as an organisation and its scientific programme, the talk will discuss the basic principles of experimental particle physics and illustrate the use of accelerators and detectors to study the microcosm of particles and fields. Despite the spectacular discovery of the long-searched Higgs boson, answers to several fundamental questions are still to be found.

        Speaker: Christian Joram (CERN)
    • 11:00
      Hanging posters and Coffee break
    • Overview talks: Overview talks II
      • 5
        Instrumentation for X-ray free electron laser - overview

        The 3.4 km long European XFEL generates extremely intense X-ray flashes to be used by researchers from all over the world. The flashes are produced in underground tunnels and will allow scientists to map atomic details of viruses, film chemical reactions, and study the processes in the interior of planets.

        Speaker: Frederic Le Pimpec (European XFEL)
      • 6
        Instrumentation for Molecular Biology - overview

        Research at EMBL emphasises experimental analysis at multiple levels of biological organisation, from the molecule to the organism, as well as computational biology, bioinformatics and systems biology. Research is conducted by more than 80 independent groups covering the spectrum of molecular biology. EMBL is international, innovative and interdisciplinary. Its more than 1700 employees from many nations represent scientific disciplines including biology, physics, chemistry and computer science.

        Speaker: Thomas Schneider (EMBL)
      • 7
        Institut Laue-Langevin: neutrons for society

        The talk will give an overview of the Institut Laue-Langevin as research infrastructure and user facility. The role of neutrons as probe for materials, industrial applications and for medicine will be highlighted with a few examples.

        Speaker: Paolo Mutti (Institut Laue-Langevin)
    • 13:00
    • Overview talks: Overview talks III
      • 8
        ESRF: Instrumentation for Synchrotron facilities - overview
        Speaker: Ray Barrett (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
      • 9
        ESO and Ground-Based Astronomy

        In this talk, I would like to introduce ESO, the European Southern Observatory. After a brief overview of the organization, I will present the current and future telescopes and instruments at our observatories (La Silla, VLT/I, VST, VISTA, ELT, CTA). We will also have a look at the diverse science, which can be done with these huge machines, and our motivations for building ever bigger telescopes.

        Speaker: Sebastian Egner (ESO)
      • 10
        Space - Once explorers, always explorers

        The European Space Agency's science and exploration missions have been much in the news over the last few years, with the first results from its Gaia Milky Way surveyor and its LISA Pathfinder gravitational wave detection technology testbed, the arrival of its ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter at the Red Planet, the launch of the BepiColombo mission to Mercury, and the decade-long saga of the Rosetta comet-chasing spacecraft. I'll give you an insight into some of these missions, their challenges, and their successes (as well as the almost-successes), and tell you what's coming next in ESA science and exploration, including new missions to study the Sun, the Moon, Mars, and the wider Universe.

        Speaker: Mark McCaughrean (ESA)
    • 15:30
      Coffee break
    • Poster Session: Flash oral presentations: Particle Physics followed by Astronomy and Space
    • Posters and Welcome Reception: Social event
    • 19:45
      Bus to Leiden

      Transport from ESTEC (Erasmus building entrance) to Leiden centraal station: buses departs at 19:45 and 20:00

    • Instrumentation session: Fusion ESTEC


      • 11
        Surface Analysis Techniques for the Study of Plasma Wall Interactions

        In experiments with magnetically confined hydrogen plasmas (including its isotopes; deuterium and tritium), as investigated in controlled thermonuclear fusion research, hydrogen isotopes, ions and energetic neutral atoms, at energies ranging from a few eV to keV are continually bombarding the first wall materials of the vacuum vessel. The assessment of the extend of the ion implantation into the first wall materials, as well as the erosion and re-deposition of the sputtered wall material including the evaluation of its hydrogen content is of paramount importance. In this regard, a brief summary and the basic principles of the main surface analysis techniques used under Fusion Technology will be presented, as well as some non-destructive nuclear reaction methods.

        Speaker: Nicolas Bekris (KIT)
      • 12
        Fusion α-particles diagnostics: from JET to ITER and DEMO

        The nuclear fusion reaction between deuterium and tritium, will be the main source of energy in future thermonuclear reactors. Charged fusion products of this reaction, α-particles, are born with an average energy of 3.5 MeV. They transfer energy to the thermal plasma during their slowing down, providing the self-sustained deuterium-tritium plasma burn. Adequate confinement of α-particles is essential to provide efficient heating of the bulk plasma and steady burning of a reactor plasma. Investigation of fusion-born α-particles behaviour will be a priority task for the planned DT experiments on Joint European Tokamak (JET), International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) and for the future DEMO fusion power plant in order to understand the main mechanisms of their slowing down, redistribution and losses and to develop optimal plasma scenarios.

        Speaker: Vasily Kiptily (CCFE)
    • 10:30
      Coffee break
    • Instrumentation session: High Energy Physics ESTEC


      • 13
        Instrumentation High Energy Physics

        High energy physics experiments use a sophisticated set of different sub-detector systems. These sub-detectors range from high precision silicon tracking systems to gaseous detectors or calorimeters, with each fulfilling a specific function to help identifying and tracking particles emerging from the collision region. This talk will present the various detectors found inside a high energy physics experiment and explain their basic functionality. This will be illustrated with examples of present systems installed at the CERN. Furthermore, novel developments for the different detector technologies will be presented.

        Speakers: Michael Moll (CERN), Petra Riedler (CERN)
    • Poster flash oral II: Flash oral presentations: X-ray, neutron and fusion instrumentation
    • 13:00
    • Instrumentation session: Molecular Biology ESTEC


      • 14
        Scientific instruments to answer biological problems
        Speaker: Andrew McCarthy (European Molecular Biology Laboratory)
      • 15
        Molecular Biology II
    • 15:30
      Coffee break
    • Instrumentation session: Synchrotron Radiation ESTEC


      • 16
        X-ray Detectors for Synchrotron Radiation Applications

        Although certain experimental techniques involve detection of other particles or radiation wavelengths, X-ray detectors are the primary detection devices in synchrotron radiation applications. This lecture will discuss the specificity of X-ray detection with respect to other type of particle detection and will introduce the technologies that are most suitable for synchrotron radiation. It will present also examples of state-of-the-art X-ray detectors used today in synchrotron applications classified in three families: detectors for scattering and diffraction experiments, X-ray imaging and energy dispersive detection systems.

        Speaker: Pablo Fajardo (ESRF)
      • 17
        X-ray Optics for Synchrotron Radiation Beamlines

        X-ray optics are used at synchrotron radiation (SR) sources to tailor the X-ray beam characteristics to the needs of the experiment. Such optics may modify the transmitted X-ray spectrum, beam size and divergence, coherence and polarisation. Due to the diversity of experimental techniques implemented in typical light sources, the optical design is usually specific to each beamline and can draw upon an extensive ‘toolbox’ of X-ray optics allowing the performance to be optimised for each application. This presentation will give an overview of the principals of operation of the most common X-ray optics used at synchrotron radiation-based light sources such as the ESRF and present their essential characteristics.

        At modern SR sources, some of the more challenging aspects of the optical design are the management of the absorbed X-ray beam power on the upstream optical components and the implementation of focusing systems capable of producing X-ray beams of nanometric dimensions. Some of the technological solutions and latest developments in response to these specific challenges will be presented

        Speaker: Ray Barrett (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
    • Poster flash oral III: Flash oral presentations: X-ray, neutron and fusion instrumentation
    • Instrumentation session: Neutron Physics ESTEC


      • 18
        Neutron instrumentation for materials structure and dynamics investigation, fundamental and nuclear physics research:  An overview from neutron source to science

        A handful of neutron sources around the world provide beams of ’thermal’, ‘hot’ or ‘cold’ neutrons to dedicated and specifically tailored instrumentation for materials structure and dynamics investigation as well as providing a source of neutrons for fundamental and nuclear physics research.  The production of neutrons for research instrumentation is for the most part limited to large-scale facilities requiring nuclear regulation, costly infrastructure and running costs.  Access to facilities to use instrumentation is highly competitive, neutron beams are typically ‘weak’ compared to other sources of radiation for experimentation (e.g. X-rays) and the neutron interaction with matter can be weak or subtle.  These considerations mean that neutron sources and associated  instrumentation must be highly optimised in terms of neutron  production, transport, optical devices, and detection with dedicated instruments tailored specifically for intensity, sensitivity and resolution in the domains of material length scale and/or energy transfer to best address scientific challenges across a broad range of material disciplines from physics, chemistry, magnetism, soft matter, biosciences and fundamental and nuclear physics.   An overview of neutron instrumentation from neutron source to science will be presented with particular emphasis on the European neutron facility, the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, France.

        Speaker: Charles Dewhurst
      • 19
        Neutron Optics

        Neutron optics is a key component in neutron scattering experiments. They play the role of defining beam conditions, i.e. direction, divergence, energy and polarisation  Since the flux of neutrons is low, optical components have to be highly efficient. Properly designed, they can enhance the power of the source by 10 times, or even more. We give an overview of commonly used neutron optical components and describe how they can be properly designed for tailoring characteristics of neutron beams to the specific requirements of the experiment.

        Speaker: Pierre Courtois (Institut Laue Langevin)
    • 11:00
      Coffee break
    • Instrumentation session: Astronomy
      • 20
        Instrumentation for groundbased optical/IR astronomy

        With this lecture, we introduce some of the basic concepts relating to the design and realisation of instruments for optical and infrared astronomy using ground based telescopes. At a large modern observatory such as the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope, the astronomer has access to a wide range of imagers and spectrometers and so may select the instrument best suited to their scientific programme. Some of the novel techniques for optimising the scientific output of astronomical instruments will be presented along with some instrument design tricks. Examples of multi-object spectrometers and integral field spectrometers will be presented and these techniques explained. Future prospects for ground based instrumentation on the Extremely Large Telescope will be discussed.

        Speaker: Suzanne Ramsay (ESO)
      • 21
        Advanced Technology for Modern Radio telescopes

        Starting with a brief history of radio astronomy this presentation aims to provide an introduction to modern radio telescopes.
        An overview is given of the most major instruments currently available and those that will become available in the near future.
        Key, science, performance drivers in the design of these radio telescopes and their implementation is presented.
        New instrumental technologies, e.g. phased array feeds and aperture arrays, and their challenges are introduced.
        Special attention is given to the issue of increasing use of the radio frequency spectrum which is a global threat to radio astronomy.

        Speaker: Gie Han Tan
    • 13:00
    • Visit of ESTEC labs
    • Overview talks: Space
      • 22
        Instruments development and testing for the Solar Orbiter mission
        Speaker: Anne Pacros
      • 23
        Radiation effect sand hardness assurance for space electronics

        Survival and successful operations of space instrumentation in the space radiation environment cannot be ensured without careful consideration of the effects of radiation. The lecture will start with a presentation of the space environment. Then, after a short introduction of radiation effects in electronic parts the process of radiation hardness assurance for space instrument electronics will be presented step by step.

        Speaker: christian poivey (ESA ESTEC)
    • 11:00
      Coffee break
    • Overview talks: Free Electron Lasers
      • 24
        The femto second X-ray experiment - probing ultrafast timescales in chemical and biochemical reactions
        Speaker: Christian Bressler
      • 25
        The Small Quantum Systems Instrument at European XFEL
        Speaker: Thomas Baumann
    • 13:00
    • Artificial intelligence highlight: Lectures ESTEC


      • 26
        Introduction to AI and Machine Learning

        We will talk about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (ML). In this introduction we will talk about what machine learning is, how it works, types of machine learning, some example applications in industry & space. We will discuss the challenging aspect of running successful machine learning projects such as the ML workflow and how to make ML generalise better. We will touch upon how decision trees and random forests work.

        Speaker: Jose Martinez-Heras (ESA)
      • 27
        Introduction to Deep Learning and its applications in Particle Physics

        We will focus the lecture on artificial neural networks and deep learning. We will give a theoretical introduction to these machine learning methods presenting commonly
        used architectures such as convolutional neural networks, recurrent network and generative adversarial networks.
        In addition, we will provide examples how deep learning methods are currently used in High Energy physics experiments for physics event reconstruction,
        and particle identification and we will discuss their potential future applications such as fast event simulation.

        Speaker: Lorenzo Moneta (CERN)
    • 15:30
      Coffee Break
    • Artificial intelligence highlight: Hands-on ESTEC


      • 28
        Artificial intelligence highlight: Hands-on

        In this hands-on session we will use machine learning to predict the thermal power consumption of Mars Express. A good prediction is needed in order to make use of as many scientific instruments on-board at possible. Since we talked about decision trees and random forests during the theoretical part, we will use them during this practical session in python.

        Speaker: Jose Martinez-Heras (ESA)
      • 16:45
      • 29
        Artificial intelligence highlight: Hands-on (part II)

        In the hands-on session we will present machine learning software such as Keras to build and train deep learning model
        We will show an example of event classification using open simulated data of an LHC experiment and an example for building a generative adversarial network (GAN) to generate images.
        The hands-on session will be run in Python using the CERN SWAN service.

        Speaker: Lorenzo Moneta (CERN)
    • 18:30
      Bus to Leiden

      Transport from ESTEC (Erasmus building entrance) to social dinner location in Leiden: buses departs at 18:45 and 19:00

    • 19:30
      Social Dinner and Awards Leiden (Koetshuis De Burcht)


      Koetshuis De Burcht

      Koetshuis De Burcht, leiden