13–16 Aug 2019
Kane Hall 225
US/Pacific timezone

Dark matter mediators in the dilepton final state at ATLAS

13 Aug 2019, 18:00
Walker-Ames (Kane Hall 225)


Kane Hall 225

Poster Poster pitch


Etienne Dreyer (Simon Fraser University (CA))


The LHC offers the best prospects for direct production of WIMP Dark Matter (DM) and gauge bosons arising from a dark sector beyond the Standard Model (SM). In particular, a neutral Z’{DM} boson mediating DM-SM interactions is a prime target for resonance searches, and its couplings can thereby be constrained within the broad context of mediator-based simplified DM models. In this poster I introduce the Z’{DM} phenomenology in the dilepton final state and present the latest bounds on the relevant simplified models imposed by searches for high mass dilepton resonances with the ATLAS detector.


Presentation materials