Jun 19 – 21, 2019
University of Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone
Open Science – its impact and potential as a driver for radical change

Call for Posters

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

OAI11: Call for Posters

We invite proposals for posters to be presented at OAI 11. The posters will be displayed in the main atrium of the conference venue, and there will be an opportunity for successful poster exhibitors to present their work in a special conference plenary on Wednesday June 19th.

This year, we are experimenting with a different format for our poster session from previous OAI workshops. We are inviting you to submit a poster inspired by one of three themes:

Pushing the possible
Are you developing a concept, prototype or beta for a new or innovative open science platform, service or tool? Would you like to share your idea, gather feedback and collaborators and get a chance to pitch to a group of fellow open science enthusiasts? This poster strand is designed to showcase emerging possibilities and to give innovators a chance to test out their ideas with a supportive, informed crowd.

Making open flow
Open means available. Whether that's the 'thing' itself, or enough information about the thing to help others to understand it, and to find out how to access it, exposing and sharing information systematically is a cornerstone of open as a practical reality. Show us how your system, standard, technology, infrastructure or information resources help others to find, explore, and reuse open research outputs of any kind. What is your role in the global open science landscape?

Recognition and rewards
Opening up the world of research means changing behaviours and incentives. How does your community or organisation encourage researchers to adopt open practices? How have your reward systems evolved to recognise a contribution to the openness of science as a first-class output in and of itself? Bring a poster that demonstrates your approach, and inspire others to do more to support open careers.

Posters will be grouped according to these themes, and we will ask poster presenters to work together to prepare a special 10 minute presentation on their theme in the poster plenary. A room will be available in the morning of Wednesday June 19 for volunteers from each group to prepare their presentation.

The deadline for proposals is April 18th, and proposers will be notified of the review outcomes by April 30th. Please submit a one paragraph abstract for your poster after a quick Lightweight Accounts registration process (different from the conference registration) If your poster is accepted you should still register for the workshop as normal and you will be expected to pay your own expenses. Owing to the large demand on accommodation, we advise you to register early - you may cancel your registration later if your submission is not successful.

Posters should be A0 in size (841 x 1189 mm) for portrait or A1 (594 x 841 mm) for landscape. Any special equipment requests should be addressed to the workshop organisers when a poster has been accepted.

Key dates

  • Abstract submission opening day: 01 March 2019
  • Abstract submission deadline: 18 April 2019

Print service

If you wish, your poster can be printed by the University of Geneva print service and delivered at the Uni Mail Campus. If you are interested, send your work in PDF format to Dimitri.Donze@unige.ch before 10 June 2019. (Please note that posters created with Microsoft PowerPoint should be sent in PDF and PPT formats.) Cost of this service is CHF 23.- for A1 landscape posters and CHF 33.- for A0 portrait ones, to be paid on delivery at the main desk.

We look forward to receiving your abstracts – and seeing your posters.

The call for abstracts is closed.