19–21 Jun 2019
University of Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone
Open Science – its impact and potential as a driver for radical change

Talking science through videogames

21 Jun 2019, 11:15
Uni Mail, auditorium M R380 (University of Geneva)

Uni Mail, auditorium M R380

University of Geneva

Uni Mail Boulevard du Pont-d'Arve 40 1205 Genève


Attila Szantner (MMOS)


The gaining of ground of different forms of pseudoscience and fake news warns us how important is strategically to put substantial efforts in communicating the scientific methods and results to the general public and continuously search for innovative ways to do so. Citizen science is among the best tools to accomplish this by inviting the general public to participate and contribute to the research process. Integrating videogames with citizen science microtasks is another innovation in the field to get the empowering experience of doing citizen science and communicating research to millions of gamers.

Presentation materials