19–21 Jun 2019
University of Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone
Open Science – its impact and potential as a driver for radical change

Bridging the World where Science is Performed and the World where Science is Published

19 Jun 2019, 14:00
Uni Mail, auditorium M R380 (University of Geneva)

Uni Mail, auditorium M R380

University of Geneva

Uni Mail Boulevard du Pont-d'Arve 40 1205 Genève


Paolo Manghi (CNR-ISTI – OpenAIRE Connect)


The EOSC was launched to propose the concretisation of the European scientific ecosystem as a combination of “horizontal efforts”, namely resource provision e-infrastructures (e.g. GEANT, EGI, EUDAT, OpenAIRE), and “vertical thematic efforts”, namely the Research Infrastructures, the EC cluster projects etc. This presentation will introduce the Research Community Dashboard services delivered and operated by the OpenAIRE infrastructure as a mean to transparently and smoothly connect the horizontal efforts, hence the digital laboratories where scientists carry out science, and the scholarly communication infrastructure, where scientific products should be published to enable sharing, discovery, scientific reward, and reproducibility of science.

Presentation materials