19–21 Jun 2019
University of Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone
Open Science – its impact and potential as a driver for radical change

What do book authors think about open access? Findings from a global survey

20 Jun 2019, 17:30
Uni Mail, auditorium M R380 (University of Geneva)

Uni Mail, auditorium M R380

University of Geneva

Uni Mail Boulevard du Pont-d'Arve 40 1205 Genève


Rosalind Pyne (Springer Nature)


What are academic book authors attitudes towards open access? What are their motivations for publishing books? Why do they choose to publish their books open access (or not to)? And what do book authors think about key issues such as what forms of re-use are acceptable, and whether green or gold open access is preferable for books?

In 2019, Springer Nature ran a major new landscape survey investigating academic book authors’ views about open access. More than 2,500 authors worldwide completed the survey, representing a wide range of disciplines across HSS and STEM. In this session we present the results of that survey for the first time, and consider what more the community can do to change attitudes towards open access and encourage researchers to choose open access for their next book.

Presentation materials