5:05 PM
Search for new heavy vector boson in top-quark final states with the ATLAS detector
Rui Yuan
(Shandong University (CN))
5:10 PM
Top quark mass measurement using leptonic invariant mass in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Lewis Wilkins
(Royal Holloway, University of London (GB))
5:15 PM
Single- and double-differential cross-sections in ttbar final states in the lepton+jets channel
Jiri Kvita
(Palacky University (CZ))
5:20 PM
Invariant mass distribution of top quark pairs near threshold
Guoxing Wang
Yongqi Xu
5:25 PM
Angular analyses of t-channel single top production and decay
Runyu Bi
(University of Pittsburgh (US))
5:35 PM
Probing top-quark flavor-changing couplings at the CEPC
Liaoshan Shi
5:40 PM
Measuring the top quark's spin density matrix
Andreas Jung
(Purdue University (US))
5:45 PM
Fully Bayesian Unfolding with Regularizatio
Petr Baron
(Palacky University (CZ))
5:50 PM
Study of semi-boosted topology in top anti-top quark pair spectra
Josef Pacalt
(Palacky University (CZ))