26–31 Aug 2019
Nicosia, Cyprus
Europe/Rome timezone

Correlations at unequal rapidity in the dilute limit of JIMWLK

27 Aug 2019, 09:55
Nicosia, Cyprus

Nicosia, Cyprus

The Landmark Hotel (ex-Hilton)


Andrecia Ramnath (University of Jyvaskyla)


Unequal rapidity correlations can be studied within the stochastic Langevin picture of JIMWLK evolution in the Colour Glass Condensate effective field theory. By evolving the classical field in the direct and complex conjugate amplitudes, the Langevin formalism can be used to study two-particle production at large rapidity separations. The evolution between the rapidities of the two produced particles can be expressed as a linear equation, even in the full nonlinear limit. In addition, the Langevin formalism for two-particle correlations reduces to a BFKL picture in the dilute limit and in momentum space, providing an interpretation of BFKL evolution as a stochastic process for colour charges.

Primary authors

Andrecia Ramnath (University of Jyvaskyla) Tuomas Lappi (University of Jyvaskyla)

Presentation materials