17–21 Jun 2019
Other Institutes
Europe/Zurich timezone

Student talks

Talks should be around 10 minutes, and will be followed by a few minutes of questions. Please bring your talk to the session on a memory stick (if possible) so we can avoid switching between different computers. 



Rishi Mouland, KCL: Non-Lorentzian RG Flows and Supersymmetry

Mohammad Akhond, Swansea: Phases of QCD_3 from type 0 strings

Matthew Russell, Southampton: Translational Symmetry Breaking of Holographic Zero Sound

David Peinador Veiga, QMUL: The classical double copy: unfolding spacetimes



Jack Holguin, Manchester: Parton branching at Amplitude Level

Aaron Poole, Southampton: (A)dS in Bondi gauge

Pongwit Srisangyingcharoen, Durham: Plathe's Identities and their Applications for String Scattering Amplitudes

Jack Foster, Southampton: Cluster Algebras, Geometry, & Scattering Amplitudes

John Roughly, Swansea: Holographic glueballs from the circle reduction of Romans supergravity



Daniel Zhang, Cambridge: Superconformal Indices on Handsaw Quiver Varieties

Ben Maybee, Edinburgh: Spinning black holes, observables and amplitudes

Aravinth Kulanthaivelu, Oxford: Boundaries, Dualities and the c=4/5 string

Nat Levine, Imperial: The massless 2d S-matrix, ambiguities and integrability



Justinas Rumbutis, Imperial: S-Matrix Positivity Bounds for Effective Field Theories

Federico Capone, Southampton: Cosmic branes and asymptotic structure​​​​​​​