12–17 Sept 2021
University of Birmingham
Europe/London timezone

ACHINOS: A multi-anode read-out for position reconstruction and tracking with spherical proportional counters

16 Sept 2021, 10:49
Teaching and Learning Building (University of Birmingham)

Teaching and Learning Building

University of Birmingham

Edgbaston Campus University of Birmingham B15 2TT UK


Dr Patrick Ryan Knights (University of Birmingham)


The spherical proportional counter is a versatile gaseous detector with physics applications ranging from rare event searches to fast neutron spectroscopy. In its simplest form, the detector operates with a single channel readout and uses pulse-shape information to reconstruct the interaction radius, which is used for background discrimination and fiducialisation. Recent developments in the read-out instrumentation have enabled the use of a multi-anode read-out structure, ACHINOS. The multiple anodes provide information about the interaction position that, coupled with the radial information, can be used to reconstruct an ionisation track. This ability has implications for several applications of the detector, for example, background discrimination in rare event searches. Developments in the experimental implementation of ACHINOS will be discussed, along with simulations of the track reconstruction capability using a dedicated simulation framework.

Title Dr
Your name Patrick Knights
Institute University of Birmingham
email p.r.knights@bham.ac.uk

Primary authors

Ioannis Katsioulas (University of Birmingham) Ioannis Manthos (University of Birmingham (GB)) Jack Matthews (University of Birmingham) Konstantinos Nikolopoulos (University of Birmingham (GB)) Dr Patrick Ryan Knights (University of Birmingham) Robert James Ward (University of Birmingham (GB)) Tom Neep (University of Birmingham (GB))

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