12:50 PM
--- Lunch ---
12:50 PM
Poster Session 2 (X-ray and Gamma Ray Detectors; Applications in Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Industry; Detectors for FELS, Synchrotrons and Other Advanced Light Sources; Detectors for Neutron Facilities; Novel Ionising Radiation Detection Systems)
Martin Freer
(University of Birmingham)
Tony Price
(University of Birmingham (GB))
(until 2:00 PM)
(Teaching and Learning Building)
12:50 PM
“RIPTIDE” – An innovative recoil-proton track imaging detector
- Prof.
Agatino Musumarra
(University of Catania, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia and INFN sezione di Catania)
(Teaching and Learning Building)
12:51 PM
Simulations of charge collection of a gallium-nitride-based pin thin-film neutron detector
Zhongming Zhang
(Lancaster University)
(Teaching and Learning Building)
12:52 PM
AGIPD systems for the European XFEL, development and upgrades.
Alexander Klyuev
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
(Teaching and Learning Building)
12:53 PM
Tristan10M detector: Characterization of a large area detector for time resolved experiments based on Timepix3 chip
- Mr
Zongde CHEN
(diamond light source)
(Teaching and Learning Building)
12:54 PM
A programmable readout system for 3He/BF3 neutron detectors
- Mr
Yuri Venturini
(Teaching and Learning Building)
12:55 PM
A hybrid pixel detector with 4D information for dynamic synchrotron radiation applications
Wei Wei
(IHEP, CAS, China)
(Teaching and Learning Building)
12:56 PM
HEPS-BPIX4: A Prototype Pixel Readout Chip Working in Single Photon Counting Mode with a Novel Charge Sharing Suppression Scheme
Shanshan Cui
(Teaching and Learning Building)
12:57 PM
Online control of the gain drift with temperature of SiPM arrays used for the readout of LaBr3:Ce crystals
Maurizio Bonesini
(Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))
(Teaching and Learning Building)
12:58 PM
Evaluation of the performance of the CCD236 Swept Charge Devices in lunar orbit using in-flight data.
Lawrence Jones
(The Open University)
(Teaching and Learning Building)
12:59 PM
Measurement of angular correlations in positronium decay using GaGG scintillator matrices with single-side readout by silicon photo-multipliers
Siddharth Parashari
(Teaching and Learning Building)
1:00 PM
Flexible X-Ray Imaging Detectors Using Scintillating Fibers
Scott Wilbur
(University of Sheffield (GB))
(Teaching and Learning Building)
1:01 PM
The Hyperbolic drift chamber for ALERT
Gabriel Charles
(Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
(Teaching and Learning Building)
1:02 PM
Automatic detection of scintillation light splashes using conventional and deep learning methods
- Ms
Yangfan Jiang
(Loughborough University)
(Teaching and Learning Building)
1:03 PM
Evaluation of Tomographic Image Reconstruction Techniques for Accurate Spent Fuel Assembly Verification
Hyemi Kim
(Teaching and Learning Building)
1:04 PM
Characterisation of the spectroscopic properties of p-type Si sensors for X-ray spectroscopy
Ben Cline
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
(Teaching and Learning Building)
1:05 PM
An experimental study on frequency-dependent noise-resolution trade-off of an indirect x-ray detector
- Mr
Hunwoo Lee
(Yonsei University)
(Teaching and Learning Building)
1:06 PM
A Monte Carlo study for system development in low dose Molecular Breast Imaging (MBI)
Hannah Brown
(University of Liverpool)
(Teaching and Learning Building)
1:07 PM
Organic Electronic-based Neutron Detectors
Adrian Bevan
(Queen Mary University of London (GB))
(Teaching and Learning Building)
1:08 PM
Generation and validation of a theoretical signal database for the Segmented Inverted-coaxial Germanium (SIGMA) Detector
(University of Liverpool (Nuclear Group))
(Teaching and Learning Building)
2:00 PM
Applications in Particle Physics 2
Jon Lapington
(University of Leicester)
Nigel Watson
(University of Birmingham (GB))
(until 3:50 PM)
(Teaching and Learning Building)
2:00 PM
Applications in Particle Physics
Petra Riedler
(Teaching and Learning Building)
2:30 PM
Status and plans for the CMS High Granularity Calorimeter upgrade project
Eva Sicking
(Teaching and Learning Building)
2:50 PM
Development of CMOS Pixel Sensor prototypes for the high-rate CEPC vertex detector
Ying Zhang
(IHEP, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))
(Teaching and Learning Building)
3:10 PM
New beam position detectors for NA61/SHINE experiment
Yuliia Balkova
(University of Silesia (PL))
(Teaching and Learning Building)
3:30 PM
Towards MightyPix, an HV-MAPS for the LHCb Mighty Tracker Upgrade
Jan Patrick Hammerich
(University of Liverpool (GB))
(Teaching and Learning Building)
3:50 PM
--- Coffee/Tea ---
3:50 PM
Poster Session 3 (Applications in Particle Physics)
Paul Sellin
(University of Surrey)
Ioannis Kopsalis
(University of Birmingham (GB))
(until 4:55 PM)
(Teaching and Learning Building)
3:50 PM
Construction and Operation of the CMS Phase-1 Silicon Pixel Detector at the LHC
Somnath Choudhury
(Indian Institute of Science (IN))
(Teaching and Learning Building)
3:51 PM
The upgrade and performance of the LHCb RICH detector system
Edoardo Franzoso
(Universita e INFN, Ferrara (IT))
(Teaching and Learning Building)
3:52 PM
Background in the CMS Drift Tubes: measurements with LHC collision data and implications for detector longevity at HL-LH
Lisa Borgonovi
(Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))
(Teaching and Learning Building)
3:53 PM
Application of material budget imaging for the design of the ATLAS ITk strip detector
Jan-Hendrik Arling
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
(Teaching and Learning Building)
3:54 PM
Results from ATLAS-ITk Strip Sensors Quality Assurance Testchip
(Teaching and Learning Building)
3:55 PM
Interferometric techniques with high resolution emulsion detectors
Eleonora Pasino
(Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))
(Teaching and Learning Building)
3:56 PM
High-performance HV-CMOS sensors for future particle physics experiments - An overview
Chenfan Zhang
(University of Liverpool (GB))
(Teaching and Learning Building)
3:57 PM
Precision Antihydrogen Annihilation Reconstructions using the ALPHA-g Apparatus
- Ms
Pooja Woosaree
(University of Calgary)
(Teaching and Learning Building)
3:58 PM
Serial powering and signal integrity characterisation for the TEPX detector for the Phase-2 CMS Inner Tracker
Kyle James Read Cormier
(Universitaet Zuerich (CH))
(Teaching and Learning Building)
3:59 PM
CMS Phase-1 Pixel detector refurbishment during LS2 and readiness towards the LHC Run-3
- Mr
Lars Noehte
(Teaching and Learning Building)
4:00 PM
2S-module prototyping and qualification for the CMS Outer Tracker upgrade at the HL-LHC
Fengwangdong Zhang
(University of California Davis (US))
(Teaching and Learning Building)
4:01 PM
Tracker alignment of the CMS detector
Nazar Bartosik
(Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
(Teaching and Learning Building)
4:02 PM
Development of position-sensitive silicon detector for ILC calorimeters
Taikan Suehara
(Kyushu University (JP))
(Teaching and Learning Building)
4:03 PM
Cylindrical GEM Inner Tracker for the BESIII experiment
Sara Morgante
(Teaching and Learning Building)
4:04 PM
A 4.5GHz to 5.6GHz PLL in 55 nm CMOS for High-Energy Physics Experiments
Cong Zhao
(Central China Normal University)
Di Guo
(Central China Normal University)
(Teaching and Learning Building)
4:05 PM
A congestion awareness and Fault-tolerance Readout Network ASIC for High-Density Electrode Array Targeting Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay Search in TPC
bihui you
(Central China Normal University)
(Teaching and Learning Building)
4:07 PM
A radiation tolerant 16 Gbps 1:16 Deserializer for High-Energy Physics Experiments
Di Guo
(Central China Normal University)
Qiangjun Chen
(Central China Normal University)
(Teaching and Learning Building)
4:08 PM
DAQ Control Signal Codec for Time of Flight AFP Detector
Jan Zich
(University of West Bohemia (CZ))
(Teaching and Learning Building)
4:55 PM
X-ray and Gamma Ray Detectors 2
David Smith
(Brunel University London)
Paul Sellin
(University of Surrey)
(until 6:45 PM)
(Teaching and Learning Building)
4:55 PM
X-ray and Gamma Ray Detectors (in-person)
Helen Boston
5:25 PM
Improving Position Resolution in Pixelated CZT Detectors through Collimated Gamma-Ray Scanning for use in Molecular Breast Imaging Applications
Ellis Rintoul
(The University of Liverpool)
(Teaching and Learning Building)
5:45 PM
Spectroscopic X-ray Imaging at MHz Frame Rates – The HEXITEC$_{MHz}$ ASIC
Lawrence Jones
(Teaching and Learning Building)
6:05 PM
New developments on FBK position sensitive silicon photomultipliers
Stefano Merzi
(Teaching and Learning Building)
6:25 PM
A monolithic silicon pixel sensor in SiGe BiCMOS for the FASER high granularity pre-shower detector.
Fulvio Martinelli
(EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))
(Teaching and Learning Building)
7:00 PM
Reception and Conference Dinner at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens
(Teaching and Learning Building)