This 1.75 day workshop is to explore new opportunities - Beyond the Standard Model - at the next generation neutrino experiments, e.g. DUNE, Super-K/HyperK, SBN and IceCube/DeepCore/PINGU.
Of the many BSM topics, in order to maximize the workshop to accomplish the goal of devising a white paper, the following two primary themed topics have been chosen by the program committee:
A well-balanced mixture of theorists and experimentalists will work together to exchange ideas for various BSM physics opportunities and to discuss tasks necessary to support the timely exploitation of these opportunities.
This workshop will be held on the campus of the University of Texas at Arlington (CPB303, Physics Executive Conference Room) on Friday April 12 and Saturday April 13, 2019.
Expected physics topics of the workshop:
The workshop will focus on the two themed topics laid out above with the experimental and theoretical subjects/issues related these physics opportunities testable in next generation neutrino experiments including the above-listed ones. Example physics topics include cosmogenic non-conventional dark matter, beam-produced dark matter, exotic signatures in the neutrino sector, event generation and analysis tools, and detection technologies.
Expected outcome of the workshop:
The tangible outcome of the workshop would be a ~10 page white paper on the above items related to the topic themes the program committee chooses. One of the strategic goals would be to turn this white paper into a bases for contribution to the upcoming Snow Mass on these new opportunities. This document will also serve as the benchmark for the potential subsequent workshops to make progress.
This workshop is supported by the U.S.Department of Energy, American Physical Society and the University of Texas at Arlington.