Zhenzi Wang
(Universitaet Zuerich (CH))
The family of decays mediated by $b \to s \ell^+ \ell^-$ transitions ($\ell = \mu, e$) provides a rich laboratory to search for effects of physics beyond the Standard Model. In recent years, LHCb has reported an anomalous behaviour in angular and branching fraction analyses of this decay, notably in one of the observables with reduced theoretical uncertainties, $P^{\prime}_{5}$. However, the vector-like nature of this pattern could be also explained by non-perturbative QCD contributions from charm loops, that are able to either mimic or camouflage NP effects. In this talk I will discuss the main features of this channel and present the latest results from LHCb.
Zhenzi Wang
(Universitaet Zuerich (CH))