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June 8, 2019 to October 7, 2019
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Welcome to the Student's Zone of the NICA Project!

Register for any of the current projects on the website of this year's edition (here) - if it's not available, it means that registration is closed.

This site is dedicated to all Student Programs associated with the NICA Project at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna (Russia).

Here you can read about this year and previous years:

  • Summer Students Program at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) 
  • TeFeNica - Team for the Future of NICA - Student's Internship at JINR 
  • Slow Control - Student's practice during development of the Slow Control System for the NICA Project 
  • Bachelor's degree thesis realization at JINR 
  • Master's degree thesis realization at JINR

Twiki: Project website carried out in cooperation with WUT and JINR
by the Polish Consortium NICA-PL - more details here.

*NICA - Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility; 

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics
4 Baldin St. Dubna Moscow Region 141980 Russia
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