7–8 May 2019
Chateau de Bossey
Europe/Zurich timezone

Machine protection challenges in the SPS

8 May 2019, 14:00
Hexagonal (Chateau de Bossey)


Chateau de Bossey

Chemin Chenevière 2, 1279 Bogis-Bossey https://goo.gl/maps/7jqYRd1bmV52


Kevin Shing Bruce Li (CERN)


  • Machine protection in the SPS overview – LHC extractions, SPS ring
  • LS2 upgrades:
  • SBDS, injection interlocking
  • Absorbers + SMP
  • WIC: HIL loop
  • BI interlocking plus additional requirements for SMP
  • Status and requirements for slow extraction
    Handling MDs and non-standard operation in the SPS
    UA9, COLDEX, crab cavities

Presentation materials