MPP Workshop 2019

Hexagonal (Chateau de Bossey)


Chateau de Bossey

Chemin Chenevière 2, 1279 Bogis-Bossey
Christoph Wiesner (CERN), Daniel Wollmann (CERN), Jan Uythoven (CERN), Jorg Wenninger (CERN), Markus Zerlauth (CERN)

The principle aims of the workshop are to:

Review the status, foreseen and required changes in the machine protection systems during LS2 to prepare operation with LIU beams. The workshop will cover LHC and injector related topics:

  • Learning from Run 2 (injectors and LHC)
  • Foreseen changes to the machine protection and related systems
  • Challenges in injectors and LHC with LIU beams and other new operational parameters (optics, beam energy, 11 T)
  • Preparatory tests or MDs which need to be performed during Run 3 (in the injectors and the LHC), which are outside the operational envelope, to prepare for HL-LHC

Session Chairs:

B. Salvachua & M. Gasior

A. Mereghetti & R. Secondo

C. Wiesner & D. Mirarchi

F. Tecker & V. Kain


Sabina-Ioanna Strachinescu, Daniel Wollmann, Markus Zerlauth

Proceedings of the 2019 MPP WorkshopCERN-ACC-2019-0053


Workshop Secretaries:

Sabina-Ioanna Strachinescu

  • Alessandra Lombardi
  • Alessio Mereghetti
  • Andrzej Siemko
  • Anton Lechner
  • Antonio Perillo Marcone
  • Belen Salvachua
  • Bettina Mikulec
  • Brad Schofield
  • Brian Petersen
  • Chiara Bracco
  • Christoph Schwick
  • Christoph Wiesner
  • Christos Zamantzas
  • Daniel Valuch
  • Daniel Wollmann
  • Daniele Mirarchi
  • David Nisbet
  • Delphine Jacquet
  • Denis COTTE
  • Di Castro Mario
  • Enrico Bravin
  • Federico Carra
  • Federico Roncarolo
  • Fernando Varela
  • Filip Moortgat
  • Francesco Maria Velotti
  • Frank Tecker
  • Grzegorz Kruk
  • Helga Timko
  • Ivan Romera Ramirez
  • Jan Uythoven
  • Jean-Christophe Garnier
  • Jelena Spasic
  • Jiri Kral
  • Jorg Wenninger
  • Kevin Shing Bruce Li
  • Klaus Hanke
  • Marek Gasior
  • Markus Zerlauth
  • Matteo Solfaroli
  • Michi Hostettler
  • Nicolas Magnin
  • Quentin King
  • Raffaello SECONDO
  • Roderik Bruce
  • Sandrine Le Naour
  • stephane fartoukh
  • Tom Levens
  • Valerie Montabonnet
  • Verena Kain
  • Vito Baggiolini