7–8 May 2019
Chateau de Bossey
Europe/Zurich timezone

SIS, external conditions and timing system

8 May 2019, 15:40
Hexagonal (Chateau de Bossey)


Chateau de Bossey

Chemin Chenevière 2, 1279 Bogis-Bossey https://goo.gl/maps/7jqYRd1bmV52


Grzegorz Kruk (CERN)


New SPS GMT monitoring to be put in place in SPS after LS2
- External conditions – SIS – Timing
- What is in place for the different injectors
- Upgrade of EC foreseen for LS2, problems interfacing FGC
- Longer term plans for SIS and external conditions development. Should these two be merged in the long-term future (next to a hardware BIS)?

Presentation materials