Monday - Session 4
- Gabriel Martínez Pinedo (GSI Darmstadt)
We will summarize the status of big-bang nucleosynthesis (BBN), which describes the production of the lightest nuclides during the first three minutes of cosmic time. We will emphasize the transformational influence of cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments culminating today with Planck, which pin down the cosmic baryon density to exquisite precision. Standard BBN combines this with...
In addition to the insights gained by studying the galactic evolution of chemical elements, short lived radioisotopes contain additional information on astrophysical nucleosynthesis sites.
Meteorites can carry information about the nucleosynthetic conditions in the early Solar System using short lived radioisotopes [1][2], while detections of live isotopes of cosmic origin in the deep sea...
Globular clusters are key grounds for models of stellar evolution and early stages of the formation of galaxies. Abundance anomalies observed in the globular cluster NGC 2419, such as the enhancement of potassium and depletion of magnesium [1] can be explained in terms of an earlier generation of stars polluting the presently observed stars [2]. However, the nature and the properties of the...