GIF++ installation and schedule meeting - Week Plan Only

892/1-B09 (CERN)



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Giuseppe Pezzullo (CERN), Martin Richard Jaekel (CERN), Federico Ravotti (CERN)

Regular meeting canceled - Week planning only

    • 09:15 09:35
      Review of last week operation & plans for this week 20m

      User Reports / Overview :

      ALICE :   FINISHED !  with mass testing.
                        One chamber to return for retesting.

      ATLAS-MM :  SM1-M3 installed in bunker at 2.9m upstream. 4 week irradiation planned.  (until early May)
                               Universal trolley to arrive end of April. Tentative to be placed in current CMS-DT location.
                               Huge trolley currently modified. Will come back probably 24.4
                               SM2-M5 installed this Wednesdsay.
                               Space in front reserved for LM1 - will come in ≈ 2 weeks.

      sTGC :   Reception test,  connectors need to be connected,  1 QS2 + 1 QS1 to inside

      EP-DT2  :

      CMS-RPC :  One trolleys for longevity test and the other for testing the electronics in order to launch the mass production.  One  installed, one (cosmic trigger) to be installed in one or two weeks.
      Gas flow needs to be checked, as we are on the limit.

      EcoGas  - Setting up the dedicated mixer (DONE).

      CMS-GEM 1&2 :   2 is Happy,  some problem one GEM 1

      EP-DT1:  Fine.

      ATLAS-RPC  :   5 gaps from mass production installed. New BIS gap chambers will be here after Easter.

      CMS-DT MB 1&2 :  Preparing for the de-cabling of both chambers expected starting this week.
                                         Removal planned 8th of May.

      LHCb : No update.

      CMS-CSC:  Continuing radiation and recovering the setups from the preparation area.

      EP-DT :

      Problem with GC, does currently not connect to PC - SOLVED


      Weekly Planning : UPSTREAM

      Default filter settings :  2.2

      Thursday :  CMS - RPC :  two hours source scan  with ABS = 6.9
                        ATLAS -MM  (morning)  4-5h scan, 1h each from 10-1 attenuation

      Friday :     

      Saturday :

      Sunday :

      Monday : ATLAS -MM  (morning)  4-5h scan, 1h each from 10-1 attenuation

      Tuesday :  



      Weekly Planning : DOWNSTREAM

      Default filter settings :  1

      Thursday : 

      Friday :     

      Saturday :

      Sunday :

      Monday : 

      Tuesday :  



      Access Requests :