Welcome to the 5th Asian Tier Center Forum and 1st Asian HTCondor workshop 2019
In this joint workshop we aim to strengthen collaboration among Asian countries which are members of LHC experiment and also for the first time, bringing HTCondor workshop in Asia.
About ATCF5:
Aim of this forum is to strengthen collaboration among Asian countries which are members of experiments related to LHC
The objectives of this forum is to share experiences for the improvement of networking connectivity among Asia sites and consolidation of computing Infrastcuture for LHC experiments among Asian Tier sites. During the 3 day meeting, the important focus areas will be, presentations from experiment representatives and Asian sites representatives, Wide area networking, LHCONE and different NRENs, Technology update and HTCondor tutorials etc. This meeting will also include interaction with experts with latest updates on different Grid computing technologies like Middleware, HTCondor, storagetechnologies etc..
The ultimate goal of this forum is to contribute to promotion of harmonization of research computing infrastructure in the region.
About HTCondor workshop
HTCondor is backbone of High throughput computing middle-ware software and widely deployed as the base batch system for some of the biggest computing grids in the world such as Open Science Grid(OSG) and Worldwide Large Hadron Collider Computing Grid (WLCG)
This is the first time HTCondor workshop is coming to Asia and it provides great opportunities for novice and experienced users of HTCondor to learn, get help and have exchanges between them and with the HTCondor developers and experts. This workshop is open to everyone. The workshop consists of presentations, tutorials and discussion. The HTCondor CE (Compute Element) will be covered prominently as well.
Proposed Agenda:
24 September:
10:00 --11:30 Inaugural session
11:30 --15:30 Scientific discussion (talks on ATCF and Computing challenge of LHC
Networking LHCONE update
Asian NREN update
Fast data transfer tuning (mandatory to make distributed storage usable)
Technologies in WLCG and Adoption status
25 September:
9:00 -- 16:00 Scientific discussion (Storage and data transfers technologies and updates from Industry experts)
- 16:00 -- 17:30 hrs.: Colloquium "High throughput computing" by Prof. M.Livny (Univ. of Wisconsin, USA)
- 26 September: 9:30 -- 12:30 hrs.: HTCondor workshop and Tutorials.