10 June 2019
Universität Hamburg
Europe/Zurich timezone

InveniocRDM project

10 Jun 2019, 15:30
ESA-E-121 (Universität Hamburg)


Universität Hamburg

Hauptgebäude / Main building Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1 20146 Hamburg


Lars Holm Nielsen (CERN)


CERN has partnered with 10 multidisciplinary institutions and companies to build a turn-key open source research data management platform called InvenioRDM, and grow a diverse community to sustain the platform.

The InvenioRDM project is funded by the CERN Knowledge Transfer Fund, as well as all the participating partners, including:

  • Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)
  • Caltech Library (US)
  • Data Futures (UK)
  • Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (DE)
  • Northwestern University (US)
  • OpenAIRE (GR)
  • TIND (NO)
  • Tubitak (TK)
  • University of Hamburg (DE)
  • University of Münster (DE)

The project has an ambitious one year schedule in which it will deliver:

  • InvenioRDM - A research data management platform based on Zenodo and Invenio v3 Framework.
  • A community of public and private institutions to sustain InvenioRDM.
  • Minimum two existing repositories migrated to InvenioRDM, with Zenodo being one of them.

The key to successfully achieving the ambitious schedule is that InvenioRDM will be based on Zenodo that have already been successfully validated over the past 5 years.

Our vision in the next five years, is to make InvenioRDM a world-leading extensible research data management platform used by research institutions all around the world and with businesses providing services, support and customizations on top of InvenioRDM.


Presentation materials