10–12 Jul 2019
Ioannina, Greece
Europe/Zurich timezone


Instrumentation and engineering

10 Jul 2019, 16:00
Ioannina, Greece

Ioannina, Greece

Epirus Palace Hotel, Ioannina, Greece


Instrumentation and engineering

  • Richard Walker (Diamond Light Source)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Ji-Gwang Hwang (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin)
10/07/2019, 16:00
Yangfeng Sui (Institute of High-Energy Physics, Berlin)
10/07/2019, 16:30
James Dymoke-Bradshaw (Diamond Light Source)
10/07/2019, 17:00
10/07/2019, 17:30
Building timetable...