An IRIS-HEP Blueprint Workshop

Analysis Systems R&D on Scalable Platforms

9th floor physics (NYU)

9th floor physics


726 Broadway New York, NY 10003
Kyle Stuart Cranmer (New York University (US)), Mark Neubauer (Univ. Illinois at Urbana Champaign (US)), Robert William Gardner Jr (University of Chicago (US))

Together with the OSG-LHC, the Scalable Systems Laboratory (SSL) is designed to be the primary integration path to deliver the output of IRIS-HEP R&D activities into the distributed and scientific production infrastructure of the experiments. The aim of this workshop is to further develop the IRIS-HEP SSL concept using two specific examples from the IRIS-HEP Analysis Systems area of ongoing software and computing R&D in (1) low-latency, query-based data systems and (2) modular, reusable cyberinfrastructure (CI) for physics inference and results dissemination. To help inform an IRIS-HEP blueprint along this direction, we seek input from those running CI systems within the experiments, laboratories and centers; experts in containerization and container orchestration (e.g. Kubernetes) for a variety of computing platforms; and industry approaches on R&D-to-production software and computing systems process pipeline.

Registration for Analysis Systems R&D on Scalable Platforms (Blueprint) Workshop
  • Andrew Chien
  • Andrew Malone Melo
  • Aravindh Puthiyaparambil
  • Benjamin Galewsky
  • Dan S. Katz
  • David Ackerman
  • Edgar Fajardo
  • Eric Borenstein
  • Gordon Watts
  • Ianna Osborne
  • Jim Pivarski
  • Kyle Cranmer
  • Lincoln Bryant
  • Lincoln Bryant
  • Lindsey Gray
  • Mark Neubauer
  • Mason Proffitt
  • Matthew Feickert
  • Nils Erik Krumnack
  • Ricardo Brito Da Rocha
  • Robert William Gardner Jr
  • Sanjay Arora
  • Stephen Fang
  • Stratos Efstathiadis
  • Tatiana Polunina
  • Tim Boerner
  • Wei Yang
  • Saturday 22 June
    • Day 2: Morning I
      • 12
        AS Patterns milestones (discussion)
        Speaker: Kyle Stuart Cranmer (New York University (US))
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break
    • Day 2: Morning II
      • 13
        SSL response & milestones (discussion)
        Speaker: Robert William Gardner Jr (University of Chicago (US))
      • 14
        Blueprint WrapUp, Next Steps
        Speaker: Mark Neubauer (Univ. Illinois at Urbana Champaign (US))