EOSC-hub/GN4-3/EGI/EUDAT/WLCG/IGTF/WISE/SCI Joint Security Policy Group Workshop

from Monday 3 June 2019 (14:00) to Tuesday 4 June 2019 (18:00)
Other Institutes

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
3 Jun 2019
4 Jun 2019
Session 2 (until 12:30) ()
09:00 Traceability policy issues - Mr Vincent Brillault (CERN)   ()
09:45 Processing of personal data - policy framework - Ian Neilson (STFC RAL (GB))   ()
10:30 --- Coffee ---
11:00 WISE baseline AUP - and EUDAT questions/comments - David Kelsey (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))   ()
11:15 WLCG Data Privacy Notice - part 2 - Ian Neilson (STFC RAL (GB))   ()
Session 1 (until 17:30) ()
14:00 Welcome and Introductions   ()
14:10 Agenda building   ()
14:40 News on Scope of ISM policies   ()
15:00 Combined Assurance Model - request from LIGO   ()
15:30 --- Coffee ---
16:00 Discussion on Containers and policy issues   ()
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Session 3 (until 17:30) ()
14:00 WLCG Processing of Personal Data - policy framework - Ian Neilson (STFC RAL (GB))   ()
15:30 --- Coffee ---
16:00 Discussion of current EOSC projects and future calls - Jan Jona Javorsek (Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia)   ()
16:30 Back to Policy scope   ()
17:00 AOB, future plans, next meetings   ()