4:00 PM
Higgs Flavor and Multi-Higgs Production
Samuel Homiller
4:15 PM
Electroweak Phase Transition with an SU(2) Dark Sector
Hongkai Liu
4:30 PM
Di-Higgs resonance searches in weak boson fusion
Rahool Barman
(Department of Physics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, 74078, USA)
4:45 PM
Higgs to Charm Quarks in Vector Boson Fusion plus a Photon
Sze Ching Iris Leung
(University of Pittsburgh)
5:00 PM
Collider and GW complementarity in the 2HDM
AJAY Kaladharan
(Oklahoma State University)
5:15 PM
Searching for Heavy Higgses decaying into SM and Supersymmetric final states
Amit Adhikary
(Centre for High Energy Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India)