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SPC Meeting for NuFact 2019

MyeongJae Lee (Institute for Basic Science (Korea)), Un Ki Yang (Seoul National University (KR))

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LOC report 

budget report

fixed cost 46,200,000 KRW and variable cost 349,000 KRW / person 

lunch provided if no budget issue

minimum 100 participants assumed

total ~68000 USD

Income roughly same with cost


Q: lunch ?

A: will be provided if no budget issue

Q: how much proceeding?

A: 3M KRW. Online publishing

Q: hardcopy needed?

A: online is perfect

Q: discount for student?

A: 30 peoples exemption being considered

Q: no information on the registration page on discount

A: it’s on the webpage. complete waiving on registration fee

Q: workforce or scientific help need waiving

A: we are planning - young researcher or students



Please register as early as possible to help budget execution. 

Abstract deadline for poster extend to end of June ?


SPC report

Start plenary  at Aug 26

Satellite meeting on KNO at 25

13 plenary session ~38 talks

7 parallel block 

oral abstract submission until May 31

two week delay on poster abstract submission - advertise quickly

Plan to have good shairing on continental and gender


summary recommandation?

C: keynotes also not recommanded. two are equally important. High profile speaker


WG1 : detector session? WG1+2 session?

Q: not including short baseline? 

A: mostly WG5. this will go WG1+5 session

Q: astro-related oscillation talk?

A: we did not have in the past. can be considered if abstract submitted

Q: no talk on neutrino from sun?

A: we think so

Q: how to handle theory talks?

A: one theory talk in the past 

Q: no need to limit to exp talks

Q: we are focusing on accelerator exp

A: maybe no need 



same scheme as last year





Q: include LHC experiments



Q: heavy Majorana exp result from LHC, include result from SHiP



keynote talk and Summary talk suggestion? - discussion by email


Do register the workshop!

next meeting? June 14


Q:Plenary speaker invitation based on the list? 

A: invitation will be sent before next meeting



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