The aim of the School is to bring together young theorists working on various aspects of precision computations and multi-loop scattering amplitudes.
The fifth edition of the school focuses primarily on computational techniques in
New mathematical techniques for loop computations
In recent years, a huge progress has been made in our understanding of the mathematical structure of multi-loop integrals. This detailed understanding of the mathematics underlying loop computations has been key to some of the most challenging precision computations ever performed in perturbative Quantum Field Theory.
The school is addressed to Ph.D. students and post-docs in Theoretical High-Energy Physics and Mathematical Physics and aims at introducing them to cutting-edge mathematical tools for multi-loop computations. 30 hours of lectures and 9h of tutorials will be delivered over the 10 days of the School.
Confirmed Speakers:
- Ruth Britto (Dublin): Helicity amplitudes.
- Claude Duhr (CERN): Modern algebra for multiloop amplitudes.
- James Drummond (Southampton): N=4 Super Yang-Mills.
- Johannes Henn (MPI Munich): Differential equations for multiloop amplitudes.
- Harald Ita (Freiburg): Unitarity and on-shell methods.
- Kirill Melnikov (Karlsruhe): Introduction to precision computation for LHC physics.
Tutorials: Lorenzo Tancredi & Simone Zoia.
International Advisory committee:
- German Rodrigo (IFIC Valencia)
Local organising committee:
- Vittorio Del Duca (ETH Zurich & INFN)
- Claude Duhr (CERN)
- Johannes Henn (MPI Munich)
- Daniela Napoleoni (INFN)
The school is jointly funded by the COST Action PARTICLEFACE, the INFN and the MPI Munich.