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7–11 Dec 2020
Palais des Papes, Avignon
Europe/Paris timezone

A crisis in the standard model?

7 Dec 2020, 12:00
Chambre du Trésorier (Palais des Papes, Avignon)

Chambre du Trésorier

Palais des Papes, Avignon


Eleonora Di Valentino (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)


The standard LCDM cosmological model of structure formation provides an amazing description of a wide range of astrophysical and astronomical data. However, there are a few statistically significant anomalies and tensions between observations at early and late cosmological time that can indicate a failure of the LCDM model. I will show briefly these tensions, with a particular focus on the curvature of the universe, and the indication for a closed universe at a few percent level coming from the Planck 2018 data. This picture calls for a more conservative approach when discussing cosmological bounds on the parameters, and the necessity of further data and investigations to fully confirm a flat universe.

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